
MSc Materials and Molecular Modelling

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

There is a growing need by industry for staff trained in computational molecular and materials sciences. This new multidisciplinary MSc will teach simulation tools used in a wide range of applications, including catalysis and energy materials, nanotechnology and drug design, and will provide transferable skills to other fields, thereby broadening employment prospects.

Students will gain detailed knowledge and skills in materials and molecular modelling, focusing on the state-of-the art simulation techniques employed to research the molecular level properties that determine the macroscopic behaviour of matter. They will also gain key research skills and will learn the basic concepts in business and entrepreneurship as applied to high-tech industries.

Who this course is for

This programme will appeal to a wide range of students with a science or engineering background who wish to develop the skills necessary to work in molecular modelling both nationally and internationally.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of a second-class Bachelor’s degree in a science or engineering discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.

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Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

The training provided by this program will enable entry into a wide range of fields. Students may continue in academia to complete a PhD or pursue teaching as a profession. Students with the skills obtained during this study are highly sought after by the industrial sector, including IT, sustainable energy, catalysis, nanotechnology, biomedical materials and pharmaceuticals.


There are increasing career opportunities in the field of materials and molecular modelling in sectors including sustainable energy, catalysis, nanotechnology, biomedical materials and pharmaceuticals. This MSc will train students in the skills necessary for future employment in the industrial and public sector communities, together with specific training in career development and transferable skills. The majority of students on the programme have moved on to PhD study.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  •  Masters Literature Project
  •  Simulation Methods in Materials Chemistry
  •  Molecular Modelling Research Project
  •  Transferable Skills for Scientists
  •  Frontiers in Materials Modelling

Optional modules

  •  Advanced Topics in Environmental and Energy Materials
  •  Topics in Modern Chemistry

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