  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The MRes, which meets ESRC guidelines, combines broadly-based and subject specific training in research methodologies and transferable research skills. Designed for those seeking to enhance their research knowledge and skills, it is delivered by experienced researchers from across the University.

This format enables cross-disciplinary discussions of research issues and skills whilst encouraging immersion in the University research culture and community. Applied research skills are enhanced through the interactive delivery of the syllabus and access to further research methods training and workshops.

The MRes is designed for those seeking to progress to doctoral level research and also professionals seeking to enhance their research skills and expertise.

Why this course?


  • By meeting the ESRC guidelines, the MRes offers opportunities both for those wishing to move onto postgraduate research and also into professional research and policy work outside academia.
  • Innovative learning and teaching that focuses on development and enhancement of research and employability skills necessary for the real world and graduate employability.
  • The focus on applied research skills can enhance employability skills for careers within the public, private and third sectors including research and policy work.
  • Comprehensive programme of research methods and skills training balancing theoretical engagement and practical application.
  • Flexible study: full-time and part-time entry available allowing you to combine work and study.


Entry Requirements

Bachelor degree with 2.2 Hons or above in any subject

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Please see our website for fee information

Programme Funding

We provide high-quality education for a fair price; as the University for the Common Good, we are committed to offering accessible higher education for talented students by keeping our tuition fees low and providing a generous scholarship package of over £2.5 million per year.

View our Postgraduate scholarships.

Student Destinations

Graduates can access research and policy work within academia, the public, private and third sectors.

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