  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Master in Marketing, 2 years full time 120 ECTS

Masters Degree Description

Marketing and International Commerce Programme is meant for individuals holding a Bachelor‘s degree and pursuing a qualification of master of marketing. The present day organizations are experiencing a growing demand in modern, high qualification marketing specialists, able to think strategically and react to the changing domestic and international business environment. Therefore, the goal of the Marketing and International Commerce Programme is to prepare marketing and international commerce specialists of high qualification who, having mastered the most recent marketing theories and methods, are able to analyse tendencies and changes in the market independently, follow and evaluate scientific innovations, as well as apply the knowledge for the development of organization marketing management.

• Competence to analyse the business environment;
• Competence to assess the business environment changes and their influence on the decisions of the organization;
• Competence to apply methodological research methods of marketing problems;
• Competence to make decisions relating to the marketing problems;
• Competence to apply theoretical knowledge for marketing management solutions;
• Competence to perform external and internal marketing audit;
• Competence to see, evaluate and analyse the processes in business environment;
• Competence to prepare marketing strategy;
• Competence to select and apply pricing methods, corresponding with the specificity of business organization and considering environment tendencies;
• Competence to organize and manage the supply chain;
• Competence to evaluate cultural differences of countries‘ economic systems and apply corresponding decisions;
• Competence to prepare and implement strategic marketing plans;
• Competence to adapt to external changes and manage internal changes;
• Competence to describe and manage processes in business structures;
• Competence to analyse and evaluate development tendencies with regard to respectful markets and individual potential;
• Competence to prognosticate changes in domestic and international markets

Entry Requirements

Individuals, holding a Bachelor‘s degree in management and business administration fields , as well as those, having an equivalent university degree in the respective fields can enter this programme of studies.

The application fee (50 EUR) should be paid before sending the application documents. 

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2012-13: 4900 EUR

Programme Funding

Vytautas Magnus University offers scholarships to students who are currently enrolled or planning to enrol in Master’s degree programmes taught in English at Vytautas Magnus University. Gold Award, Silver Award, Stipendium Honoris Further Details

Student Destinations

Graduates of Marketing and International Commerce Programme will be able to :
• continue studies in management and administration doctoral programmes, as well as in other doctoral programmes of social sciences area;
• work as marketing managers and heads of marketing departments in domestic and foreign companies;
• work as foreign companies‘ market/product managers;
• work in the organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Customs Department, as well as in other state and business organizations;
• work in international commercial organizations;
• offer consultancy service to organizations solving marketing and international commerce problems;
• establish private business effectively;
• work as hired consultants in business consulting firms or establish personal consulting firm.

Module Details

Compulsory subjects (9)
1. Corporate Reputation Management
2. Supply Chain Management and Logistics
3. Pricing Theories
4. International Business
5. Strategic Marketing
6. E-business and E-marketing
7. International Marketing
8. International Commercial Law
9. Relationship Marketing

Optional Subjects (3)
1. Career management
2. Insurance business
3. Accounting Harmonization in the EU
4. Professional Ethics and Etiquette
5. Processes of Public Procurement
6. Interpersonal and Cross-Cultural Communication

2 subjects can be chosen from other programmes of social sciences

Research Projects
Research Project Nr.1 – Management of Logistics Process
Research Project Nr.2 – Analysis and Solutionsnof Strategic Marketing Problems
Research Project Nr.3 – International Marketing

Master Thesis

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