  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

This course has been designed to introduce its students to the knowledge, skills, and experience required by a management consultant. Employment in the consultancy sector is buoyant at the moment so whether you are an engineer, a scientist, a law or business graduate, this programme will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to make a credible job application.
This one-year MSc programme at Aberdeen comprises an intensive series of stimulating lectures, energetic seminars, intensive small group work, and consultancy project work, which will include academics and consultants as well as managers from our contributing companies. A key aim of the programme is to develop your ability to think logically, laterally and independently about the implications of change and give you the confidence to plan and facilitate change programmes.
The course initially focuses upon building a broad foundation of theoretical knowledge about management consultancy through its core modules in subjects ranging from accountancy to strategy, and from managing innovation to consultancy interventions.


• Introduce the underpinning theories that support the management of change and the role of consultancy.
• Identify the skills required to be successful in change management and consultancy
• Identify and explore the graduate attributes which support that change management and consultancy roles
• Prepare graduates for a career in management consultancy and change in organizations, and support a personal development plan to achieve that.

This programme is taught by specialist staff with experience in management consultancy. Lectures include visiting speakers from local consulting companies and offers a wide range of research and practical experience, focusing on combining academic rigour with practical relevance.

The MSc Management Consultancy degree is a 12-month full time ’conversion’ programme which takes students with a wide range of first degrees and prepares them for a career in the management profession.

The programme has several key strengths:

• It draws on the research strengths of a department which has recognised international standing in the field of organizational change.
• The programme presenters have extensive research experience studying change in organizations in the UK and overseas.
• Staff with experience of working in consultancy roles prior to taking up their academic careers will be part of the team of presenters.
• The programme has the support and involvement of management consultancies and business in Aberdeen.
• The programme develops the graduate attributes which support the management consultancy roles and prepares the student to understand the recruitment requirements for consultancy.
• The programme provides an opportunity to undertake a consultancy research project as part of the course concluding with a presentation and feedback from a panel of academics  and professional consultants.


Entry Requirements

The MSc Management Consultancy degree is a 12 month full time conversion programme, which takes students with a wide range of first degrees and prepares them for a career in this profession. The minimum entry requirement is the equivalent to a British 2:1 (Hons) Degree.

References are not required in order for applicants to submit an application. They are not usually required in order for a decision to be made but in certain cases applicants may be asked to provide a single academic reference at the request of the academic selector. For further details on entry requirements, please contact .

The English Language Requirement for all College of Arts and Social Sciences Masters programmes is an IELTS of 6.5 with 6.0 in the writing and reading (or equivalent TOEFL iBT or PTE).  For more information see  

Please note, students who accept an offer of a place will be asked to pay a deposit to secure their place. This deposit is later deducted from the tuition fees payable at registration. See  for further details.

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Programme Funding

All applicants will be considered for Graduate Business School and Kings College Scholarships. See:

Prospective students should visit the University’s Postgraduate Funding Database.

University of Aberdeen Alumni Discount Scheme

The University of Aberdeen is very pleased to offer a 20% discount on postgraduate tuition fees for all alumni who have graduated with a degree from the University of Aberdeen. More Information can be found here.

Student Destinations

Employers and graduates frequently ask Universities to concentrate on the graduate attributes which make job applicants employable. This programme is designed to deliver that objective. Our links with local consultancies include PwC, KPMG and Accenture and we are working with companies in the finance and oil sectors in Aberdeen.
We aim to ensure that our students will have the opportunity to network within the consultancy sector and meet and discuss their careers with our staff and the managers in the businesses with whom we work

Module Details

Semester One
Management, consultancy and change
Consultancy and Innovation
Interpersonal Management and Negotiation
Accounting and Finance for Managers

Semester Two
Theories, Frames and Models of Change
Research methods
Business Model Innovation
Leadership consultancy and change

Summer Term
In the summer period there will be an opportunity to conduct a group or individual consultancy project in a chosen organization which will be presented to a panel of experts at the end of the course. The project will enable taught postgraduate (PGT) programmes build relationships with employers and organizations of all sizes and successfully to implement work-based consultancy projects. 


Charlene Feeney (Price Waterhouse Cooper)

Charlene Feeney-Seale graduated in 2012 and now works as a management consultant with PriceWaterhouseCooper.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Organisational Change course in my third year, and it was this which really inspired me to become a management consultant. I have frequently used the material covered in the course in my working life, and would strongly recommend the MSc as an excellent foundation for a career in management consultancy”.

The Programme Leader is Dr Julian Randall and he can be contacted via email for any information concerning the content of the programme at:


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