
Land Economy (Rural Surveying, RICS accredited)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MLE 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

12 Month Taught Postgraduate Programme fully accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in Rural Surveying/Rural Property Management. The programme is a fast track course for graduates seeking entry into the Rural Professional Group of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). It is the only programme of its kind in Scotland accredited by the RICS, allowing graduates to proceed to the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence and full professional membership of the RICS. It is also however a course which gives students a thorough grounding in all aspects of the countryside and land management, planning, environmental and rural policy issues


Land Economy (Rural Surveying/Rural Property Management) is concerned with the management of land and its resources, rural businesses and their associated activities and interests.

The programme provides a range of knowledge and skills e.g. land management, public policy, law, planning, economics, and valuation, integrated to meet the future challenges facing landowners and land managers. Understanding of traditional land management (agriculture, forestry, sporting) and emerging and topical issues  (environmental and conservation activities, tourism projects, planning issues, countryside access, diversification projects,  steading conversions  and renewable energy initiatives) is combined with an understanding of the business skills necessary for successful decision-making and rural business management. As a rural land and business manager the student/graduate is concerned not only with practical land management but also with the financial, legal, planning, and policy contexts within which decisions are made and business interests managed.

Reasons to Study Land Economy at Aberdeen 


  • The Only RICS accredited programme of its kind in Scotland
  • Most of our students gain employment within a short period of graduating and careers range from surveying firms to local authorities and countryside agencies
  • Teaching staff includes Professional Rural Practitioners
  • The course is led by John Carnie who has a wide experience from working in industry in relation to rural planning and property firms, rural tourism, planning, environmental, marketing and diversification projects
  • Access to a wide range of highland and lowland estates and properties for field visits and practical work
  • Includes a week-long project in a national park
  • Small group teaching
  • Part time study available
  • Close links with the RICS (Rural and Environmental Professional Groups)

Entry Requirements

Our minimum entry requirement for this programme is a UK Honours degree (or an honours degree from a non-UK institution which is judged by the University to be of equivalent worth) at a 2:2 (lower second) class or above.

Mature students who do not meet the minimum entry requirement but who have appropriate professional experience will also be considered. Applicants should note that irrespective of your initial registration (Diploma or Masters) the qualification awarded on completion of the programme is dependent upon your performance during the year.

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Full details here.

Student Destinations

The MLE (Rural Surveying) programme is designed for graduates from any discipline. It is the only programme of its kind in Scotland accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Graduates therefore have the option of entering a career in chartered surveying (Rural or Environmental Professional Groups) having already made progress towards their APC. Career options include such areas as land agency, estate management, countryside management, and rural policy and development. Diploma and Masters graduates in Rural Surveying are particularly highly sought-after by the leading land agency firms throughout the UK: Smiths-Gore, Strutt and Parker, Bidwells and Savills to name but a few. Many of these firms visit the Department as part of their annual recruitment strategy. Other graduates have secured employment with landed estates (Buccleuch Estates, Moray Estates, Strathmore Estates, Dunecht Estates), conservation bodies (SNH, RSPB) and public authorities (National Parks, Local Authorities).

Module Details

Students study the following courses:

  • Land and Environmental Economics
  • Forestry and Game Management
  • Agricultural Principles and Practice
  • Planning Land and Environmental Law
  • Valuation for Rural Surveyors
  • Rural Business Management
  • Rural Policy in Practice
  • Research Methods
  • Dissertation (Masters students only)
  • Case Study (PgDip students only)


Highly qualified and motivated staff will teach you, including those with considerable practical experience. A variety of teaching and assessment methods are used. All courses involve lectures, seminars and project work although the relative balance varies as you progress through the programme. Courses typically involve two or three hours of lectures. There are half-day, whole day, and four day field visits (for example, to Highland estates) for general experience and in relation to specific assessments. These regularly involve leading practitioners in the field.

Project-work includes a mix of individual and group exercises. Residential field visits include a  group project based visit to a national park in England or Scotland.

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