
MSc PG Dip International Management and Business Communication

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full-time: 12 months Part-time: 24 months; PGDip Full-time 9 months Part time 21 months

Masters Degree Description

The MSc International Management and Business Communication programme concentrates on developing English-language communication skills in business contexts. While students on this programme are not required to work in any language other than English, the skills you develop can of course be applied in any professional communication context, regardless of language. There is a broad range of optional courses in professionally relevant subjects so that students can choose exactly which areas they would like to specialise in and can therefore tailor the programme to their interests and their professional needs.

If you would like to pursue study of another language in addition to English, you may prefer to take the MSc Translating for Business degree, which allows you to develop language, communication and translation skills specific to a business context in English plus your choice of one or two other languages from French, German and Spanish.

Entry Requirements

Good (first or second class) Honours degree, or its non-UK equivalent, from a recognised British or overseas university.

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Module Details

Semester 1 (Sept – Dec)

  • International Business
  • Business Communication
Two optional courses to be chosen from a range including:
•Competitive Strategy
•Contemporary Consumers
•Corporate Social Responsibility
•Global Heritage
•Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
•International Politics
•Operations Management
•Work Culture & Organisations
•Beginner language courses in French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, British Sign Language, Gaelic

Semester 2 (Jan – April)
  • Business Economics
  • Research in International Business Communication
Two optional courses to be chosen from a range including:

•Branding & Communications
•Human Resource Management
•Intercultural Perspectives on Sustainable Development
•International Marketing
•International Trade Law
•Issues & Trends in Tourism
•Managing Diversity in Business
•Project Management
•Beginner language courses in French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, British Sign Language, Gaelic

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