
LLM International Human Rights Law And Development

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM 15 months January start

    1 year September start

Masters Degree Description

Human rights and the law is a huge growth area, evolving and expanding in response to new developments, threats, and evolution in our thinking as a society. It has great significance for major global challenges such as war, terrorism, gender, migration and climate change, and interfaces quite significantly with impacts from science and innovation.

This new LLM in Human Rights and Development is designed to provide you with an understanding of human rights in its multi-layered form, with a critical emphasis on its complementarity with development.

The course offers a wide range of modules that are contemporary, academically rigorous and skills oriented. You’ll gain core knowledge of the wider context framing law and policy in this field, whilst having the flexibility to tailor your degree to suit your particular interests and career aspirations by choosing from a range of specialist human rights law and development modules.

Entry Requirements

2:2 or above in any subject, or relevant work experience at graduate level.

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