
MSc Information Technology With Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc One year full time two years part time

Masters Degree Description

The MSc in Information Technology with Management is a one-year taught programme run jointly by the School of Computer Science and the School of Management. The course consists of two semesters of taught modules followed by an 11-week project leading to the submission of a 15,000-word dissertation in August.


  • This course is an interdisciplinary programme combining the skills and experience of leading academics from the School of Management and the School of Computer Science.
  • The programme teaches modern information and communication technologies and management techniques to prepare students for a career in IT management and other related areas.
  • Students undertake a significant project, including a wide-ranging investigation leading to their dissertation, which enables them to consolidate and extend their specialist knowledge and critical thinking.
  • Students have 24-hour access to modern computing laboratories, provisioned with dual-screen PC workstations and group-working facilities.

Teaching format

The taught portion of the MSc programme includes eight modules: three compulsory and five optional from a wide range available.

Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical classes. Most modules are assessed through practical coursework exercises and examinations.

Class sizes typically range from 10 to 50 students in Computer Science modules, and from 40 to 60 students in Management modules.

All students will be required to complete a Post Entry Language Assessment (PELA) on arrival at the University of St Andrews. Based on their performance in this assessment, students will be advised to attend targeted support sessions during the year to improve language and academic skills. This assessment is required, but will not count towards the final degree classification.

You will also be assigned an advisor who meets with you at the start of the year to discuss module choices and is available to assist with any academic difficulties during the year. A designated member of staff provides close supervision for the MSc project and dissertation.

Further particulars regarding curriculum development.

Entry Requirements

A 2.1 undergraduate Honours degree in a subject other than businessmanagement. Students with a background in business, managementrelated subjects are advised to consider the Information Technology (MSc), the International Business (MLitt)the Marketing (MLitt) programmes.

If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the international entry requirements.

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