
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Information Systems and Data Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 months full-time, PgDip 9 months full-time, PgCert 4 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

The programme prepares students for careers in advanced information system design, technology management and commercial and academic research. It provides in-depth knowledge and skills of leading edge techniques, such as user modelling, information filtering, personalisation, adaptive hypermedia, data mining and visualisation, and natural language processing. Compared to our MSc in Cloud Computing, this programme places less emphasis on hard-core programming and more on design and web application development.

The MSc in Information Systems & Data Managementprepares students for careers in advanced information system design, technology management and commercial and academic research. It provides in-depth knowledge and skills of leading edge techniques, such as user modelling, information filtering, personalisation, adaptive hypermedia, data mining and visualisation, and natural language processing.

The programme gives students the flexibility to decide the topics of most interest to them, and to specialise in their chosen area through electives and a long project. The programme also teaches practical business skills, for example, through a group project where they either develop their own business idea and its prototype, or work with the Aberdeen Software Factory and a collaborating organization to develop a solution for the organisation’s problem. In either case, the prototype solutions and ideas are  showcased to local university and business representatives at a "Dragons’ Den" type fair.


This programme is designed to meet the national need for skilled, business aware technologists. The IT industry has identified a critical shortage of advanced computer specialists who are not only familiar with existing technologies, but who can also develop leading edge applications.

Entry Requirements

The programme is aimed at graduates in Computer Science or those with an equivalent qualification.

Our minimum entry requirement is a UK Honours degree (or an honours degree from a non-UK institution which is judged by the University to be of equivalent worth) at 2:2 (lower second) class or above. 

It is important when submitting an application that you ensure you have completed all the necessary sections and enclosed all the relevant documentation to ensure that your application can be processed as quickly as possible.

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Student Destinations

There are a number of careers to which one could progress with this degree. Previous students who were on similar degrees have found jobs using the skills taught here with financial service organisations in banking and insurance, Amazon Research and Development, and software houses of all shapes and sizes, as well as moving onto study PhDs here and elsewhere in the UK. This programme provides you with the technical and analytical skills needed to successfully adapt to wide-range of situations in the ever-changing world of computing.

Module Details



First Half Session

This course is mandatory:

  • Adaptive Interactive Systems
    This course looks at how to automatically personalise systems to users. It introduces the latest techniques from areas such as user modelling, adaptive hypermedia, recommender systems, and persuasive technology. It covers various application domains, such as personalization in e-commerce and health-care. You will learn how to design, implement and evaluate adaptive systems.

In addition, students will take three courses from the following electives (some courses will not be available every year, others may be made available):

  • Semantic Web Engineering
    This course introduces fundamental knowledge and technologies of the Semantic Web (next generation of the World Wide Web), including ontologies, as well as related applications.
  • Data Mining & Visualisation
    This course provides an overview of data mining technologies and looks at their applications in commercial contexts; for example the management of business relationships within an E-Business context. The course covers data trend and pattern detectors, abstraction formation, data integration, and qualitative modelling and reasoning. Data visualisation, user variability and preferences, and interface design are also studied.
  • The Electronic Society
    This course provides grounding in the field of e-commerce, e-health, e-science and e-governance, with case studies illustrating the infrastructures, models, and activities in various industrial and public sectors.
  • Natural Language Processing
    This course provides an overview of the techniques used in natural language processing. It covers formal aspects such as linguistic models of English, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and it also covers practical applications such as grammar checking, machine translation, database interfaces, report generation, and dictation. Modern techniques are also covered, such as the combining of the symbolic approach with the statistical approach (based on the analysis of large corpora).
  • Bio-Computing
    Computing Science has always enjoyed a strong and fruitful two way relationship with the biological sciences. Computing methods have facilitated the understanding of biological processes at various levels of detail and biological processes have served as the inspiration for novel computing methods. In this course we will explore some of the tools and techniques that have come out of this relationship, focussing on Bioinformatics, Biologically Inspired Computing (e.g. Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Immune Systems), and Model-based Reasoning.

Second Half Session

All of the following courses are mandatory:

  • E-Business Strategies
    This course, delivered in collaboration with the School of Law, covers essential business strategy and associated legal issues in e-commerce. The course is designed to develop entrepreneurial skills, so that students know how to identify a market niche, find a solution, legally protect it, and develop it into a viable business.
  • Advanced Computer Science Workshop
    This course delivers practical experience in the technical issues involved in creating a software prototype that can be showcased to better attract commercial or scientific funding. It comprises a team effort to plan and develop such application, from the initial requirements specification to the finished product. At the end of the module, members of the Industrial Management Group will come to look at your developments (including your business plan or your case for support) and give you feedback. They are playing the role of venture capitalists/research panel reviewers; your aim is to show them that your idea is viable and would be worth funding.
  • Technological, Scientific and Market Research
    This course is a preparation for the Summer project. Students work together with an assigned academic supervisor to outline the scope of the planned project, and then to identify specialist areas where knowledge required to undertake the project may be lacking; relevant background reading is then undertaken to gather the required expertise. Students also review the latest existing work which is closely related to the area of their dissertation topic, and examine competing offerings in the marketplace; this work is then critically analysed, identifying strengths and weaknesses. This course is assessed by a dissertation.

Summer Project (Dissertation)

Candidates who complete the above programme at an appropriate standard will be allowed to progress to the MSc Project in Information Systems & Data Management. Candidates who fail to achieve the standard for progression to, or who elect not to proceed to, the project stage shall be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma if they have achieved the appropriate standard for that award.

The Summer project is taken under the supervision of an assigned academic supervisor in the department. The project will require creative, analytical and practical skills. The project typically involves the development of a substantial piece of software, and its evaluation.

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