
MSc Information Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc One year full-time, two years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our course is aligned to the requirements of the Professional Knowledge and Skills Base framework from the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) who are our professional accrediting body.

Since the world went online, information has grown rapidly in volume and become infinitely more accessible. At the same time, information science and systems have been converging towards a common focus on information discovery, organisation, and management. Information management is essential in libraries, archives, museums and business, and is a much sought-after skill in careers spanning the sectors for example, in governmental, legal, financial, media and publishing organisations. Meanwhile, owners and users of information need to be able to access and evaluate information in faster and more intuitive ways.

Entry Requirements

We normally require an honours degree of 2.2 or above.

If you do not meet the above grade requirements but have at least 12 months relevant professional experience and/ or equivalent qualifications, we will consider you on an individual basis.

Before starting the course, we recommend that you gain work or voluntary experience in a library, archive, bookshop, cataloguing, database, records, learning resources or web content management.

We can consider applicants who do not meet the normal entry requirement, but who do have relevant professional experience or qualifications. In your application, you should describe in detail your professional experience and qualifications.

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