
MEd PG Dip PG Cert Inclusive Practice

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MEd, PgDip, PgCert

Masters Degree Description

Fundamental to the programme is the belief that all learners have the same rights and are of equal worth, irrespective of their ability, cultural background, race, gender or age. All learners have the right to be educated alongside their peers, and young people’s needs are best met through systems of shared responsibility.

The programme aims to help practitioners review and enhance the learning experience of all children and young people, including those with additional support needs. It endeavours to give experienced practitioners the time, opportunity and support to examine existing practice in the light of new knowledge and insights. It also aims to enable practitioners to build upon the range of experiences and different perspectives found amongst groups of colleagues supporting pupils with additional support needs, in a variety of contexts and settings, by exposing these to sustained discussion and critical appraisal.

A central feature of the course is the use of collaborative enquiry as a tool for creating new knowledge and transforming practice, by synthesising literature, personal and professional reflection and practice.


Another feature of the programme is its strong focus on transformative professionalism – an enhanced and extended professionalism which has at its core the need for practitioners to take evidence-based action to generate professional knowledge and move practice forward. This form of professionalism, in contrast with older formulations, is characterised not by self interest and external regulation, but rather by the motivation to contribute to the collaborative development of practice and make informed contributions to professional debate.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will be graduates or able to provide evidence that they can work at postgraduate level. They must have previous relevant experience and be able to undertake studies and related developments in their workplace setting or other appropriate agency..

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Module Details


Postgraduate Certificate in Inclusive Practice

Exploring Difference and Diversity (30 SM Points) – compulsory course. PLUS Participation and Learning (15 SM Points) – compulsory course PLUS An Introduction to Autism and Its Implications for Classroom Practice (15 SM Points) OR Literacy Difficulties and Dyslexia (15 SM Points) ORAlternatives to Exclusion: Creating a Climate for Learning(15 SM Points)

Post Graduate Diploma in Inclusive Practice

Curriculum, Transformation and Change (30 SM Points) – compulsory course PLUS Professional Enquiry (30 SM Points) – compulsory course

Masters in Inclusive Practice

Workplace Project (60 SM Points) OR Dissertation (60 SM Points) Participants who complete successfully the first three courses and 60 credits may exit with a certificate. Those who complete successfully the first five courses and 120 credits may exit with a diploma. 

Those who complete successfully all six courses and 180 credits will achieve the award of a Master of Education degree.

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