
MA Immersive Factual Storytelling

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our focus is on training you to create compelling immersive content. This programme, based within a university but run by leading immersive practitioners, gives you the practical tools and confidence to become a successful member of the international immersive VR/AR documentary community. Skills in immersive storytelling, ethics, 360 production, spatial audio and coding for game engines are learnt by creating a series of short experiences throughout the programme, culminating in an ambitious graduate immersive project.

About this degree

Immersive storytelling is a developing field across enterprise and entertainment. Unlike other VR /immersive MAs, this programme focuses on Factual Storytelling in particular, including creating stories for enterprise use with the potential for collaboration across other faculties in UCL. The MA provides training in the use of 360º cameras, immersive sound equipment and computer graphics-based VR experiences along with developing your skills as a factual immersive storyteller.

It will teach you the fundamentals of immersive storytelling and equip you with a robust self-learning ‘growth mindset’ to equip you for your professional life beyond the MA. You will learn to devise, plan, produce and pitch exhibition quality non-fiction immersive narrative-based experiences, giving you the skills to enable you to practice as creators of non-fiction 360º/VR/immersive storytellers.

We encourage you to explore the boundaries of immersive storytelling, drawing on anthropological and social science approaches to documentary, engaging with, and taking inspiration from existing material including games, films and immersive audio experiences along with a wider range of stimuli relating to immersive engagement. You will also have regular contact with leading industry experts to help you expand your ideas and ambitions. Across the programme you will also be introduced to and engage with ethical questions around immersive storytelling.

By the end of the programme, you will have acquired full competence in operating digital 360º recording and filming devices, editing, basic coding in game engines and you will be capable of delivering professional level quality immersive stories as well as storytelling skills to create effective content.

Entry Requirements

We normally require an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Applicants with lower second-class degrees (i.e. UK 2:2 or the overseas equivalent) may be considered if their application is supported strongly by relevant experience. In exceptional circumstances, we will also consider applicants without higher education qualifications provided they demonstrate a significant track record in this or a related field.

We seek students who can show evidence of active engagement with visual or audio storytelling in previous work or study experience. We require a portfolio of work to support all applications.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

The programme provides you with skills in research, 360 pre-production, production, editing, post-production and delivery. You will also learn basic coding (for use in a game engine). You will be introduced to the integration of associated software, IT and equipment necessary for these processes as well as receiving an introduction to the ethical, pitching and distribution skills required for an Immersive factual producer.

You will learn to manage the production of an exhibition quality and broadly distributable immersive documentary experience, working collaboratively in conception, management and delivery and you will learn to pitch an immersive experience to funders and/or industry partners.

Through your participation in workshops, masterclasses, volunteering at industry events, and one round of Open City Documentary Festival, the programme introduces you to a range of industry contexts that raise employability.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Sonic Experience Design and Production
  • Introduction to Immersive Factual Storytelling
  • Advanced Immersive Storytelling Practice

Optional modules

  • The Story and I – Finding the Form: A Practical Exploration of Storytelling
  • Experimental cinema and new media: Form and narrative
  • History and Aesthetics of Documentary
  • Practical Documentary Filmmaking
  • Feature Writing in a multi-media world: journalistic skills for the digital age
  • Writing about International Affairs
  • Interactive Factual Narratives
  • Ethics and Editorial for Documentary
  • Documentary Radio – A Practice-Based Introduction
  • An Introduction to Social Theory – a foundation course
  • Developing Ideas for Non-Fiction Film and Audio
  • Sonic Experience Design and Production
  • Short Commissioned Practical Film Project and Sustained Reflection
  • Practical Documentary Filmmaking (Lab-based)
  • Art in the Public Sphere
  • Current Themes in Material, Visual, Digital and Design Anthropology: Smart Phones
  • Digital Infrastructure: Materiality, Information and Politics
  • Anthropology of Technics and Technology
  • Design Anthropology

Please note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability is subject to change.

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