
MSc Human Resource Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 Year FT

    2 Year PT

Masters Degree Description

In this programme, you will develop your understanding of Human Resource Management practices across a variety of organisational settings, taking into account the way national and international contexts impact upon people management. In your last semester, you will work on a project to research a real industry problem and provide evidence-based solutions, helping you put your learning into practice. The programme is suitable for both UK and international students.

The MSc HRM has been delivered successfully over many years and is highly industry-focussed, designed to help you apply ideas to practice.

Having been through a renewal process in the Spring of 2022 our MSc HRM programme is accredited by the CIPD, the professional body for HR.

Entry Requirements

Normally a minimum 2:2 honours degree or equivalent. A wide range of professional qualifications are also accepted, either in partial or complete fulfilment of entry requirements.

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See our website for fees

Student Destinations

Previous graduates of our programme have gone on to take up roles in a variety of private and public sector organisations including, Burberry, Hilti, Morsons, NHS, Peninsula and many more.

If you opt for the CIPD pathway alongside your Master’s degree, you will have the opportunity to graduate with Associate Member status of the CIPD and become part of the CIPD community.

Module Details

The MSc HRM programme is made up of a mix of modules totalling 180 credits, and is block delivered across all three trimesters of the academic year. You will study one module at a time. Teaching is delivered face-to-face in the classroom for eight hours each week over six weeks (full time) or four hours each week over 12 weeks (part-time evening), and is a mix of interactive lectures, discussions and activities.

During each module, you will be required to undertake independent study in your own time, with online support through the University’s virtual learning environment, Blackboard.

The Organisational Project module is the final module, where you will have the opportunity to select between a work placement, (pending availability), analysis of a case organisation or a ‘mini’ dissertation, all of which are designed to develop your skills and enhance your career prospects.

See our website for current modules

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