
MA History of Political Thought and Intellectual History

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full time, 2 years part time

Masters Degree Description

Our MA provides advanced training in intellectual history, the history of political thought and the history of philosophy, spanning the period from the ancient world to the 21st century. This joint programme is run by University College London (UCL) and Queen Mary University of London. The programme brings together research and academics from institutions such as Birkbeck, University of London, the Institute of Historical Research (IHR), King’s College London (KCL), UCL, Queen Mary and Royal Holloway, University of London, to provide a range of expertise.

Why this programme

  • Benefit from the expertise of outstanding academics across London in this joint intercollegiate programme
  • Create a bespoke, specialist degree that follows your intellectual interests
  • Learn from distinguished staff who are world-leading scholars
  • Option to learn a modern European language or Latin
  • Access to outstanding research facilities across the University of London’s institutions

Entry Requirements

A 2:1 or above at undergraduate level in a Humanities subject.

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Programme Funding

There are a number of ways you can fund your postgraduate degree.

  • Scholarships and bursaries
  • Postgraduate loans (UK students)
  • Country-specific scholarships for international students

Student Destinations

Many of our graduates have done or are currently doing PhDs or are in academia– both in London and at a variety of other institutions from Oxford and Cambridge to Berkeley and Yale. These include:

  • Dr Signy Gutnick Allen, LSE Fellow in Political Theory and former Associate Lecturer in Political Theory at the University of York
  • Dr Paul Sagar, Lecturer in Political Theory, King’s College London

Students have also gone on to work:

  • at the BBC
  • in publishing, at prestigious academic presses like Polity Press
  • as political advisers in Westminster, the European Parliament, and on
  • congressional campaigns in the US
  • at NGOs like Global Witness
  • as researchers
  • in finance
  • in teaching.

Module Details

  • Compulsory core module
  • Choose between two and four elective modules
  • Dissertation

In addition to the assessed portion of your course, you’ll be expected to attend the fortnightly research seminars in the History of Political Ideas at the Institute of Historical Research. A faculty seminar organised by an academic convenor alternates with an early career seminar organised by research students.

Compulsory/Core modules

  • Dissertation – MA History of Political Thought and Intellectual History
  • Method and Practice in the History of Political Thought and Intellectual History

Elective modules

  • Empire and Early Modern Political Thought
  • Crisis and Future in 19th Century European Thought
  • The Enlightenment
  • Empire and Early Modern Political Thought
  • Capitalism and Political Thought
  • Patria and Cosmopolis: Nation, Country, and Humanity in Political Thought, from ancient Greece to the Age of Revolutions
  • Nations, States and Empires in Transnational Perspectives

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