  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full time, 2 years part time

Masters Degree Description

Designed by students, for students, this innovative new programme gives students the opportunity to specialise in their chosen field, working alongside our world-class historians. They will be trained in the latest research methods and gain invaluable employability skills and workplace experience through our unique internship programme. We are looking forward to welcoming a new generation of MA students to the School of History.

Why this programme

  • The most research-intensive MA History available with intensive research skills and historiographical training, and an advanced historical research project that equips you for Masters’ level research;
  • The opportunity to specialise in one of several key subject streams in which you will ‘Master the field’ and write a dissertation under the guidance of expert academics.
  • A unique internship option, which will give invaluable ‘real-world’ experience and transferable employability skills, through a placement with one of our public history/heritages partners;
  • A guaranteed place on MA History for any student who attains a 2.1 or above on a single or joint History BA Honours degree awarded from Queen Mary and who wishes to continue (subject to final Admissions checks and programme availability and for entry in September 2022);
  • Completion of all MA components, including the dissertation, by early summer, facilitating entry into the job market.

Entry Requirements

A 2:1 or above at undergraduate level in History or a relevant Humanities related subject.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are a number of ways you can fund your postgraduate degree.

  • Scholarships and bursaries
  • Postgraduate loans (UK students)
  • Country-specific scholarships for international students

Student Destinations

A History MA will give you numerous skills highly valued by employers, ranging from detailed analysis of complex source materials, considered and critical report writing, excellent research and organisational skills to persuasive presentations made using detailed evidence.

Historians find work in a wide variety of different fields. Some are intrinsically linked to the study of History such as museums, cultural heritage, archiving or research and teaching. Others use the excellent skill set gained from a History Masters degree to forge careers in areas such as the public sector and government, think tanks and policy, security and intelligence services, law, Journalism, media, publishing, human resources and non profits and NGO’s (Non Governmental Organisations).

Module Details

Compulsory/Core modules

  • Dissertation – MA History
  • History: Methods, Approaches, Challenges
  • Mastering the Field
  • History Advanced Research Project
  • History Internship

The MA History Dissertation provides an opportunity for you to complete an independent research project within an area of historical inquiry related to your chosen ‘stream’ for Mastering the Field. You will be encouraged to pursue your own intellectual interests, applying the skills you have developed on your other MA modules. You will be assigned an appropriate supervisor for your chosen topic, and will begin meeting with them in Semester 2, with the bulk of the research and writing completed during Semester 3, leading to completion of a 12,000 word dissertation by the early summer.

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