
MSc PG Cert PG Cert Health Psychology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert One year full-time, flexible part-time study over two-three years

Masters Degree Description

Our Health Psychology MSc provides an opportunity for you to explore the many ways in which psychology can be applied to an understanding of health and illness, and applied to modern healthcare systems.

As well as focusing on a range of theories, models and studies within the discipline, the course benefits from two distinctive strands which are especially pertinent to working as a contemporary  health psychologist – namely a focus on social and cultural diversity and inter-professional relationships.

There is detailed coverage of social and cultural diversity, using psychology to tackle health inequalities, inter professional relationships and eating behaviours across the lifespan.

  • Professionally accredited and recently commended by the British Psychological Society (BPS)
  • Designed and delivered in collaboration with experienced practitioner psychologists working within the NHS
  • Our experienced practitioner and research-based academic staff have presented their innovative research at national and international conferences
  • Benefit from inter-professional learning and develop a range of transferrable skills, alongside individuals from a range backgrounds
  • Suitable for recent graduates and experienced professionals looking to enhance their specialist skills and career opportunities
  • Develop your practical and professional skills through multi-disciplinary hospital and community-based learning experiences

Entry Requirements

Applicants are usually expected to possess (or be predicted to obtain) a First or 2:1 award from a BPS accredited Psychology course (or international equivalent). Students with a 2.2 award will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants are usually invited to interview as part of the selection process. Alternative arrangements can be made if you are unable to attend in person.

You must complete a declaration form and enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) disclosure application form(if you are overseas you will also need to submit a criminal records certificate from your home country), before starting the course, which need to be cleared in accordance with DMU ’s admission policy. For further information contact us on +44 (0)116 257 7700 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44 (0)116 257 7700 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Anyone who would like to receive more information about CRB clearance is encouraged to contact the Course Leader who will be happy to discuss this aspect of the application process incomplete confidence

If English is not your first language an IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent when you start the course is essential. English language tuition, delivered by our British Council accredited Centre for English Language Learning, is available both before and during the course if you need it. To find out more, please visit|


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Full-time £4740, Part Time, 15 credit taught module £395, 60 credit dissertation £1580. International: Full-time £12,200

Student Destinations

The Health Psychology course is designed to deliver a range of transferable skills and enhance your employability across a range of health and social care careers. Health psychology is an expanding area of global employment, with opportunities for graduates in hospitals, universities and community-based organisations.

Successful graduates can also progress on to doctoral study, including stage two training in Health Psychology or PhD.

Module Details

The MSc is made up of theoretical, work-related and research-based modules which together make up 180 credits of study. The modules you can expect to study are all 15 credits, unless otherwise stated:

  • Theories and Perspectives in Health Psychology explores the biopsychosocial model of health and evaluates the ways in which lifestyles and health-enhancing and health-compromising behaviours (such as exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption) impact on our well-being
  • Mind, Body and Health investigates the ways in which mind and body interact to affect health, and also explores the role of personality factors and social support
  • Understanding and Managing Chronic Health Conditions develops a detailed understanding of how living with a long-term health condition affects the individual, their carers and family members
  • Health Inequalities, Diversity and Social Inclusion integrates psychological and sociological perspectives to develop understanding of health and illness among disadvantaged and marginalised communities 
  • Psychology of Health and Food Through The Lifespan focuses on adaptive and maladaptive eating behaviours through the human lifespan     
  • Health Psychology in Theory and Contemporary Practice explores the theoretical perspectives that inform the work of modern day health psychologists and discusses how these are applied in practice
  • Research Methods and Data Analysis for Applied Psychologists (30 credits) introduces you to a range of ways of collecting, analysing and presenting research data
  • Advanced Applied Psychology Dissertation (Health) (60 credits) is an independent research project in a topic area of your choice

Attendance: Two days per week for full-time students. Variable for part-time students depending on the duration of their studies

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