  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year (full-time), 2-4 years (part-time)

Masters Degree Description

The MSc in Haematology is designed to enable you to develop an up-to-date, advanced understanding of the disorders of blood and blood-forming tissues. We will discuss mechanistic models of haematopoiesis and how knowledge of stem cell theory can inform the treatment of anaemia or leukaemia. Blood carries many hormones and cytokines; these can be used as biomarkers of disease, and we will examine the problems associated with some of these measurements. Utilising critical analytical skills you will evaluate new developments in research into the blood sciences.

Why study Haematology at Chester?

Our programme aims to allow you to access most of the course material online – including online text, videos of lectures, and comments and assessments. Skill-oriented areas such as case discussions and ethical discussions will be explored in teaching days.

As a student at Chester, you will join a team of clinical and medical researchers, where you will gain the opportunity to gain theoretical, clinical and laboratory-based skills. Your research topic will be jointly run by the research team at the Institute of Medicine and the medical staff at one of our partner hospitals.


  • Our modules run in three-day blocks, and are therefore suitable for biomedical scientists, working doctors and healthcare professionals.
  • Assessment is entirely through coursework. This culminates in a Dissertation, which will be assessed through your production of two publishable scientific articles. Our aim will be to develop these to publication with you if suitable.
  • If biomedical or clinical research is your interest, successful completion of the MSc will allow you to directly register onto MD/PhD study and join our team of researchers at the Institute.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must hold an appropriate first degree with a minimum of 2:2 honours (e.g. in Medicine, Biomedical Science, Dietetics, Human Biology) or hold appropriate professional qualifications and be able to demonstrate suitable background knowledge and skills.

Applications are invited from:

  • junior doctors
  • NHS staff
  • international students with appropriate qualifications
  • international doctors or healthcare professionals
  • those with related undergraduate degrees (e.g. Biomedical Science, Dietetics) or equivalent professional qualifications and background experience.

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Student Destinations

The programme provides specialist training for biomedical scientists, doctors, or healthcare professionals in the field of blood science.

It also provides an excellent grounding for those looking to undertake postgraduate research. All candidates would be able to register for a MD or PhD on successful completion of the MSc.

Module Details


Programme Structure:

The programme is modular with six taught modules – each worth 20 credits. The course culminates in a 60-credit Research Dissertation.

MD7001: Evidence Based Medicine (20 credits)

This module will provide you with training in the essential skills needed as a researcher or practitioner to use the scientific and medical literature. The module will equip you with the skills required to do the following:

  • Search the literature
  • Critically evaluate research papers
  • Write a research review, a systematic review and a meta-analysis
  • Determine the appropriate statistical analyses for a given set of clinical data
  • Carry out and report statistical analyses

MD7002: Analysis and Interpretation of Clinical Data (20 credits)
Through a series of practical sessions, this module will develop your understanding of the theories underpinning modern analytical and molecular procedures, and develop your critical appreciation of the uses and limitations of a range of analytical and molecular techniques relevant to clinical and biomedical science. Sessions will cover the following:

  • The value of laboratory tests
  • Limitations of measurements
  • Safety and operational issues – COSHH, Risk Assessment and SOPs
  • Practical sessions – covering aspects of validation
  • Interpretation of laboratory analyses

MD7003: Clinical Medicine (20 credits)

This module looks at the changes that occur during ageing in order to enable you to develop an in-depth knowledge of the pathology of selected organ systems, including the importance of diagnosis and management of human disease. Areas covered include:

  • Concepts – the hallmarks of ageing and inflammageing
  • The life and death of a cell
  • Oxidative stress and disease
  • Ageing – endocrinology, immunology and gene expression
  • Factors affecting lifespan

MD7005: Blood Sciences (20 credits)

This module will develop your understanding of various clinical haematological and biochemical (blood sciences) disorders, and enable you to develop an in-depth knowledge of the laboratory investigations performed in the diagnosis and management of such diseases. Subject areas will include the following:

  • Blood chemistry
  • Red blood cell disorders
  • White blood cell disorders
  • Biomarkers of disease

MD7006: Clinical Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis (20 credits)

This module will develop your understanding of the immunological processes involved in various aspects of clinical immunology and give you an in-depth understanding of the interactions between pathogens and the human host. The module will cover:

  • Autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity, transplantation
  • Parasitology – malaria, toxoplasmosis
  • Immune responses to viral infection
  • Bacteria and immune responses
  • Biofilms and quorate sensing

MD7022: Therapeutic Advances in Treating Haematological Problems (20 credits)

This module discusses the detection, management and treatment of haematological problems. It will cover:

  • Haemostasis – managing and monitoring
  • Transfusion science
  • Bone marrow transplant
  • Detecting and treating anaemias
  • Detecting and treating blood cancers
  • Blood disorders affecting platelets
  • Blood disorders affecting plasma

MD7100: Research Dissertation (60 credits)

The Research Dissertation will offer you the opportunity to:

  • investigate systematically and in depth a laboratory-based topic of direct relevance to the programme of study and your personal interests
  • draw on and contribute to the development of the growing body of knowledge in the broad clinical/biomedical sciences field
  • present the outcomes of personal research in the form of two publishable scientific articles.

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