
LLM MSc Global Crisis Conflict and Disaster Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM/MSc 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our LLM or MSc Global Crisis, Conflict and Disaster Management is a globally unique programme, which is accessible to law and non-law graduates, including professionals engaged in humanitarian aid and disaster prevention and management.

This innovative multidisciplinary programme examines the role of global law, policy, and practice relating to conflicts and peacetime disasters (such as earthquakes, wild fires, and pandemics). It further considers significant crises not escalating to the scale of conflict or disaster, as well as complex emergencies.

You will be taught in an engaging and interactive manner by world leading academics, and you will also benefit from embedded mentoring and employability training.

There is flexibility for you to transfer between degree entry points (e.g. LLM, PGDip, PGCert), and to take individual modules with certificates of credit which are transferable to the degree programme.

Entry Requirements

Normally a good undergraduate honours degree (2.1 or above), or equivalent from a university outside the UK. Our students come with a variety of relevant legal and non-legal experience and all applicants are considered on individual merit.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Masters scholarships available please visit website for details

Student Destinations

The programme will appeal to early and mid-career law and non-law professionals as well as recent graduates and career changers. In addition to developing core knowledge of foundational principles of International Law, this unique programme facilitates a multidisciplinary awareness – which is increasingly essential for working in the sectors of crisis, conflict and disaster management.

The skills gained by undertaking a postgraduate Law degree are in great demand from both legal and non-legal employers. As with any postgraduate taught Law programme, completion of the various entry points will be an asset for students seeking employment in international courts and tribunals, United Nations agencies, legal practice and advocacy in the international law field, international NGOs, the public service (in the areas of foreign relations, international development, etc), law reform agencies, the media (journalism and broadcasting) and academia (with further postgraduate study).

Module Details

Sample modules:

  • Global Architecture of Crisis, Conflict and Disaster Management
  • Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice
  • Disaster Risk Management
  • Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience
  • Research Project or Professional Placement
  • Law of Armed Conflict

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