Masters Degree Description
Accredited by the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) and the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted).
If you have the desire to provide top-quality physical education, then we will help you explore the potential of PE as an educational medium. Our highly-rated PGCE course will give you the knowledge and skills to be an effective teacher, developing independent learning techniques and self-motivation that will be valuable throughout your career. You will look at the learning potential of a range of aesthetic, artistic, body management and body conditioning activities, helping you plan effective PE lessons for schools.
Entry Requirements
Normally a first degree, or its equivalent with a minimum of 2:2 honours.
Student Destinations
This course can lead to a fulfilling career as a primary teacher.
As this is a PGCE, it includes some work at masters level, leading to 40 credits that can count towards an MA in Education.
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