  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

The aims of the programme are to provide expertise relevant to multiple-use forestry. A broad range of modules are available that cover forest ecology and silviculture, forest planning and management, forest conservation, forest pathology, urban forestry and environmental governance. Programme modules can be selected to serve the interests of professional foresters wanting to upgrade their knowledge in the fields of forest management planning, tropical forestry and environmental issues, or the interests of graduates wishing to obtain a broad introduction to forestry. Our graduates find employment both in Britain and further afield, some within industry, others in government agencies, conservation, development, or research.

The MSc and Postgraduate Diploma in Forestry share common teaching for nine months after which the Masters degree students spend a further three months preparing a thesis or dissertation. Teaching uses a range of media: lectures, seminars and discussions, case studies, practical and field exercises. Each student must participate in a minimum of four modules in each semester, the choice being made following discussion with the programme organiser.

Considerable use is made of computers. Students go on a study tour in the Easter vacation; in recent years the study tour has been to forests near Freiberg, Germany. Research towards the thesis may be field or laboratory based. These field studies may be within Scottish forests or overseas.

Entry Requirements

Candidates for the taught programmes should have either a degree (second-class Honours or above) in Forestry, or an equivalent degree in a related discipline, allied with some forestry experience. In exceptional cases it is possible for non-graduates with a wide forestry experience to be accepted on to the programme at Postgraduate Diploma level, with the possibility of progressing on to the Masters degree.

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Module Details

Courses are selected from the following: Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology; Forest Measurement and Monitoring; Wood: Properties to Products; Biology of Forest Health; Trees and the Urban Environment; Forest Resource Management; Plant Ecology; Ecosystem Processes; Global Soil Geography; Conservation in Practice; Special Topics in Forestry; European Forestry Field Course; Introduction to GIS; Advanced Spatial Analysis; Research Skills for Environmental Sciences; Experimental Design and Statistics; Statistics for Complex Designs; Research Project Planning; Ecology and Society; Foundations of Environmental Governance; Biology and Ecology of Mycorrhizas; Climate Change. Where timetabling permits, other courses at this level within the University may be included.

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