
MSc Finance with Data Science

  • DeadlineStudy Details: MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

The Master’s in Finance with Data Science is a unique programme that combines the scientific foundations of finance with the theory and practice of rigorous financial data analysis. 

Data science is becoming increasingly more important in the finance industry, as companies seek graduates whose main expertise is in finance but who also have a high level of data science literacy and skills. The Master’s in Finance with Data Science programme aims to equip you with the skills required to make data-driven decisions as a finance specialist and stand out in the job market. 

The programme has been designed based on world-class research expertise in finance, data science, econometrics, and economics. It is highly quantitative combining theory and practice, delivered by leading faculty from the UCL School of Management and the UCL Department of Economics. Drawing on the knowledge and expertise of UCL's academic staff, you will access a rich repository of expertise to navigate real-world challenges using financial market data.

Entry Requirements

A quantitative undergraduate degree at 2:1 Honours (or equivalent) from a recognised university.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

As data disrupts and drives organisations, now more than ever employers are looking for finance specialists with high levels of data science literacy. The MSc Finance with Data Science programme provides you with the skills required to be a finance specialist, equipped to collaborate and contribute on the technical aspects of projects, analyses, and decisions with colleagues and, in particular, with data science experts.

Module Details

Term One:


  • Financial Econometrics and Data
  • Corporate Finance and Financial Markets

Term Two:


  • MSIN0106 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
  • MSIN0208 Big Data Analytics 


  • Options and Derivatives
  • The Economics of Trading and Exchanges
  • Advanced Corporate Finance

Term 3 and over the summer period


  • Finance with Data Science Research Project


  • Investment Strategies and Risk Management
  • International Finance
  • Behavioural Finance and Neuroeconomics

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