  • DeadlineStudy Details: MA 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

MA Film Producing (MAP) is a one year course taught over five modules, and addresses all the core competences required of a professional film producer in an industry which operates globally. Aspiring film producers are immersed in the LFS creative hothouse of student directors, screenwriters, and cinematographers from over 50 nations at Britain's longest established film school. The School is housed in two film studio buildings in Covent Garden, which contain shooting stages, full post-production facilities, and extensive camera and location kit. Script development, project management, budgeting and delivery and business skills are the key skills taught on this explicitly industry-facing MA programme. 

This information is subject to validation approval from the University of Warwick and the final course outline may be slightly amended.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should present at least one of the following:

One of:

  • An Undergraduate / Bachelor’s Degree with Honours; or 
  • An equivalent (International) or Higher Qualification; or
  • An equivalent professional qualification

As well as:

  • A short treatment/synopsis for a feature film or television drama series that you would like to produce. Why do you want to make this project – subject, genre, characters, themes – and who do you envisage as its audience(s). 400 words.
  • Short resume / CV and brief explanation of why you think you will make a good producer. Max. 200 words
  • One of the following:
    • Name a recent feature film or TV drama series that you would love to have produced and – from a professional producing (rather than consumer) perspective – tell us why. 250 words.
    • OR, Name a film or TV drama producer/showrunner whose work you respect from a professional perspective, and why. 250 words.
    • OR, Recommend an online resource – e.g. video masterclass, podcast, production software, social media platform and explain how and why you believe it to be of exceptional use for your future producing career. 250 words.

Students should expect to discuss these materials at interview and we propose to interview all those who have submitted the application pack. 

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Student Destinations

Graduate careers include direct progression into the industry, and we will support you in securing mentors and work placements while you are a student. Graduates can progress to become freelance producers and entrepreneurs as well as enjoying employment opportunity across the whole sector which comprises the largest group of production studios in Europe (Pinewood studios, Shepperton studios and Leavesden studios, home to the Harry Potter franchise) as well as the large post-production facilties and special effects industries, which London is a global hub city. 

Module Details

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