  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 13 months full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Expand and build upon your filmmaking knowledge with Staffordshire University. Our Masters in Film Practice is designed to fully support you in developing the professional and interpersonal skills needed to succeed in the film industry. The course provides a range of modules that support you in finding and honing your specialism whilst building skills that reflect current film practice and technology.

For 25/26 entry.

Our course is student centered, industry focused and, above all, flexible. You will be able to tailor your learning and projects to match your personal interests, skill sets, and career aspirations.

You will have access to our new virtual production suite alongside our world class resources including industry standard camera equipment and production facilities. We also focus on helping you become professionally ready, supporting you through our module – Career Development for the Film Professional and offering life-long support in your career goals as a graduate of Staffordshire University.

Our course team are all passionate about storytelling, fiction and factual, and want to support you as you explore new skills, build existing ones, and become certified through our AVID school status.

We are all either actively involved in the film industry or engaging in world class research, as evidenced by our recent REF excellence and our internationally excellent research. You will benefit from being a part of our dynamic research culture which places a focus on researching though your practice and building knowledge through technical application.

On successful completion of study, we will issue the following award: MA Film Practice

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for the course are normally a 2:1 Honours degree in a subject related to film practice or equivalent film industry experience. Applicants who have a 2:2 Honours or with different qualifications who have relevant experiential learning will also be considered.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

  • Film Production
  • Editing
  • Colour Correction
  • Director
  • Cinematographer
  • Producer
  • Virtual Production
  • Project development
  • Production management
  • Freelance creative
  • Social Media Management
  • Film Festival founder
  • Film Festival Screener
  • Further and Higher Education
  • Creative Arts Researcher
  • Practitioner/Researcher
  • Critic

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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