  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Explore the complexities of the building envelope and push the boundaries of design with this unique award, the only UK course to specialise in façade engineering. This industry-led masters works closely with the Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT) to bridge the skills gap in the UK.

Façade engineering is a discipline in its own right. Most large-scale commercial, industrial, educational and even residential buildings are now constructed using a frame and an envelope and many engineering firms have their own façade engineering departments. Our graduates are highly sought-after.

Entry Requirements

We normally require one of the following:

  • A honours degree of 2:1 or above in an engineering, built environment or architecture related subject.
  • A honours degree of 2:2 in an engineering, built environment or architecture related subject plus a minimum of two years in professional practice or a related industry.
  • A first degree in an engineering, built environment or architecture related subject from an overseas institution that can be demonstrated to be equivalent to the above.
  • Any other non standard route will need to be assess on individual basis but will require a minimum of 5 years in an appropriate/related industry.

Applicants may be invited for interview on the basis of a formal application.

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