
MLitt PG Dip English Literary Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MLitt 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time, PgDip 9 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

The MLitt in English Literary Studies is primarily intended to provide a basis for undertaking research in English literature including the literature of Scotland and Ireland. Research ‘training’ involves the acquisition of practical skills and knowledge, and of specialised knowledge and understanding of literary periods and literary issues which will be directly relevant to each candidate’s proposed field of research. 

Students can take this degree as a stand-alone one-year or two-year part-time Masters degree (but immigration regulations prevent an overseas student from outside the European Union from studying part-time), or as a first step towards an MPhil or PhD (subject to admission to a further degree programme either at Aberdeen or elsewhere). Hence, it is likely to appeal to those who wish to create a solid foundation on which to build a PhD research proposal, those who wish to teach literature, and those who wish to study literature at a postgraduate level to further their interest in culture and life-long learning.

Entry Requirements

A 2.1 Honours degree or the equivalent in English Literature or a relevant cognate discipline in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

References are not required in order for applicants to submit an application. They are not usually required in order for a decision to be made but in certain cases applicants may be asked to provide a single academic reference at the request of the academic selector. 

The English Language Requirement for all College of Arts and Social Sciences Masters programmes is an IELTS of 6.5 with 6.0 in the writing and reading (or equivalent TOEFL iBT or PTE).

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Student Destinations

An M.Litt in English Literary Studies provides an excellent platform for further academic study. It also offers valuable experience for those wishing to work in a range of careers such as teaching, media and heritage, and for all those who have an interest in literature.

Module Details

 Each candidate’s curriculum is personalised, so that the courses undertaken provide everyone with a programme that fits their interests and their needs. 

The courses centre on the four areas of the Department’s research: Renaissance literature; Enlightenment, Romantic, and Victorian literature; Modern and Contemporary literature; Scottish and Irish literature. 

A wide range of courses is on offer from members of the Department. They include training in theory and methods of research, plus a large variety of options covering both different periods and genres. However, please note that not all courses are available every year. A particular feature is the compulsory ‘Investigating Literature’ course, which is in part a one-to-one course in which the student explores his or her own research area with an expert in the field. 

The MLitt is designed to take advantage of the broad range of expertise and specialisms of the literature staff.

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