
MSc Elite Study in Persuasive Design

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 2 years full-time, 120 ECTS, Aalborg

Masters Degree Description


Students in the elite-program will follow the PD strand of the Information Architecture (IA) study plan. Given the strong emphasis on current research in Persuasive Design, some courses will be especially tailored to suit the elite-program. In particular, students will take courses in Temporality and Logic, and in Persuasive Design.  During these courses, special attention will be given to current research carried out at the Center for Computer-mediated Epistemology as well as in relevant international research communities. This means that in addition to receiving courses and supervision at a significantly higher level than under regular programs, students accepted into the elite-program will gain professional competences in conducting, reporting, and sharing advanced state of the art research.

In effect, students here will take active part in addressing subsets of research problems addressed within the scope of Center for Computer-mediated Epistemology. By doing so, students will achieve competences within and become familiar with many aspects of conducting present-day research, including, but not limited to:

– The structure of large-scale research programs
Various formats of scientific writing (reports, abstracts, papers, etc.)
Various formats of scientific meetings (symposia, workshops, conferences, etc.)
Presentation techniques relevant for the above formats

On an everyday basis, students admitted into the elite-study will be exposed to considerably more complicated theoretical and practical concerns than normally expected from students at this level. This requires a broader base in terms of relevant literature, as well as the capacity to work independently and creatively.

Students admitted to the program are given a number of privileges, including office space,  access to the PD lab, in some cases access to special hardware and software, and most importantly: access to the research environment and the people in it. In return we expect a high level of commitment, willingness to learn and to be excellent.

It is our ambition that students in the elite-program during their studies produce at least one report of such quality that it can be published in a scientific journal or at a scientific conference.

It should be noted that the regular examination criteria obtain: At the exams, students will not be evaluated any differently because of their enrollment on the elite program.

Entry Requirements

Eligible for the elite-study, are students who have:

  • a B.A. from Humanistic Informatics with the grade 10 or 12 in their B.A. project
    a genuine desire to understand theoretical and practical concerns within this field of study
    good working knowledge of the English language
    social ability and willingness to work closely with teachers and students

Students from similar relevant backgrounds may also be considered provided that they have excellent grades. Should an interested applicant present a 10 from the B.A. project, he or she may apply for special consideration, but an exception from the rule will only be considered if the applicant has a significantly high average overall.

Applications for the elite-study must be in writing and must contain an exposition of no more than one page describing the student’s motivation for applying.  The application may be in Danish or in English.

Applications should be sent to secretary of Humanistic Informatics.

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