
MA PG Dip PG Cert Educational Leadership (Shrewsbury)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA (3 years part-time), PGDip (2 years part-time), PG Cert, (1 year part-time)

Masters Degree Description

Why study Educational Leadership (Shrewsbury) with us?

Our MA in Educational Leadership is designed for leaders or aspiring leaders in all areas of education. The course develops an individual’s professional knowledge in relation to their current context by building on the significant experience and expertise which students will bring with them to the course.

If you engage in the course you will:

  • develop your critical thinking skills and become a reflective practitioner
  • be able to articulate informed opinions with confidence
  • become a confident researcher who will be aware of theoretical frameworks and current political agendas
  • become a confident and effective leader.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will normally work in an educational environment, e.g School, Academy, Local Authority, Free School or FE College or other educational setting. It is possible for applicants not in work to undertake the course through a combination of University Centre-based taught modules. The MA in Educational Leadership is open to both graduates and non-graduates with professional experience although applicants will normally be graduates.

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