This MA programme explores religious, social, economic and cultural developments in the early modern world, including the strains created by soaring prices and population, and heightened social mobility. All modules are taught by a team of experts, ensuring that you are exposed to as many different viewpoints and approaches as possible.
In the first term you will study two core modules. ‘Theory, Skills and Methods’ provides a foundation in historical methods and theoretical frameworks used to study society and culture from the early modern period to the contemporary world. ‘Themes in Early Modern History’ provides a critical perspective on key themes and introduces you to a range of expertise at Warwick.
In the second term, you will select two optional modules, each one taking a different topic and exploring it across time and space. These will help you place your early modern interests in religion, gender, empire, consumption, or medicine in a comparative framework, as well as deepen your acquaintance with relevant ideas and approaches from outside early modern scholarship. These modules enable you to focus on your early modern interests (you can write all your assessed work on early modern themes) whilst situating them in a wider context that will enrich your studies.
The final key element is the dissertation - here you have a large amount of freedom to develop a project of your own choice with help and guidance from your supervisor who will meet with you throughout the third term. Throughout the year, you will be able to take advantage of the Department’s six research centres, including participating in the lively schedule of academic research seminars, lectures and conferences.
Minimum requirements
2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a related subject
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
A postgraduate degree in History provides you with the skills and knowledge to embark on a range of career paths. History Master’s graduates have pursued careers in academia, the civil service, NGOs, education, law and in a range of research roles across the private sector.
Our department has a dedicated professionally qualified Senior Careers Consultant offering impartial advice and guidance together with workshops and events throughout the year. Previous examples of workshops and events include:
Core modules
Optional modules
Optional modules can vary om year to year. Example optional modules may include:
You are required to take two of the above.
Warwick is a leading university, somewhere forward-looking and ambitious, where the starting point is always 'anything is possible'. Our students, al...