Postgraduate Studentships - Search for funding opportunities.
Why study Dyscalculia Research and Practice with us?
The Postgraduate Certificate in Dyscalculia Research and Practice is a nationally recognised qualification for teachers of children and young people who are experiencing specific learning difficulties in mathematics. This course aims to cover the practical teaching aspect of those with numeracy difficulties and dyscalculia to enable you to act as a ‘Specialist Teacher’ delivering and evaluating multi-sensory, structured and cumulative numeracy programmes. This will be underpinned by theoretical aspects to support a critical understanding of key research and current debate.
At least two years’ experience of working with learners experiencing difficulties with Maths/Number is required. A first degree is preferable, and experience is important.
Postgraduate Study at the University of Chester The University of Chester provides a wide and flexible range of postgraduate and post-experience cours...
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