  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time

Masters Degree Description

Through the Digital Design Futures course, you will acquire the necessary theoretical understanding and practical skills to thrive in the fast-paced and ever-changing field of digital design. This course will expose you to the theories of immersion while providing hands-on experience with the latest software and hardware in our dedicated studio, XLAB. By using design thinking and human-centered design principles, you will develop the ability to create systems and solutions that effectively cater to the needs of your target audiences.

Furthermore, you will develop an entrepreneurial mindset that enables you to leverage the creative possibilities presented by emerging technologies such as VR/AR/MR, IoT, AI, and UX, as well as the vast opportunities provided by big data. You will explore how XR and AI can enhance creative processes and generate new possibilities.

Through collaborations with industries and third-sector organizations across the UK, you will gain insights into the diverse applications of technology in sectors such as branding and marketing, retail and fashion, and health education.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a relevant design subject.

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Student Destinations

Given the strong theoretical foundation of this program and the numerous research opportunities in this field, it is anticipated that a number of you will choose to pursue a PhD, potentially remaining within the XLAB.

Furthermore, we aim to develop you as the future workforce by reinforcing your core skills and competencies, which are fundamental to Design and in high demand. Our graduates will be equipped with skills that have been identified by the World Economic Forum as essential for future employers across all sectors. This will make you versatile and well-rounded professionals, with skills such as problem-solving, abstract and strategic thinking, critical thinking, creativity, and an understanding of human perception.

On successful completion of the course, you will have the opportunity to pursue roles in various areas such as UI and UX design, interaction design, game design, concept design, and VR/AR/MR design and development.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

Research Methods for Design (15 credits)

Designing for Immersion & Engagement (45 credits)

Experiential Practice (30 credits)

Design Speculation (30 credits)

Specialist Project (60 credits)

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