  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 21 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

Our two-year Dietetics MSc course combines academic knowledge with practice to help you become a competent, passionate, autonomous dietitian. You will be equipped to deliver evidence-based, service-user centred dietetic care, and innovative public health nutrition initiatives, across a wide range of client groups and working environments.

This two-year Dietetics MSc will set you up with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to apply for full registration as a dietitian with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

The programme's defining approach is to make coherent connections between research and practice to strengthen your future role, influence, and impact as a dietician.

You will have the opportunity to apply academic knowledge, develop your clinical skills, and become a highly reflective practitioner, working within UCL's world-leading centres of excellence. Your practice will be underpinned by the latest research to maintain your credibility and profile. Independent critical thought and continuing professional development will also be encouraged. 

A unique point of the programme is the important links between UCL and our partners. You will be exposed to state-of-the-art nutritional and dietetic research, working on projects from the hospital bedside to national public health policy making. 

Entry Requirements

BSc (minimum of 2:1 or equivalent) or MSc (minimum of merit, 60%, or equivalent) in a cognate subject from a UK University or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Final year students on course for an upper second-class Bachelor's degree or merit MSc degree can also apply.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

The MSc programme is well suited to professionals who want to pursue a career in dietetics. On graduation, you will be eligible to apply for registration in dietetics with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and practise as a registered dietitian in the UK. Our programme is fully compliant with the revised British Dietetic Association (BDA) curriculum and reflects the rapidly evolving role of the dietitian.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Clinical Practice 1: Lifestyle management, prevention and the food environment
  • Clinical Practice 2: Advanced Dietetic Practice
  • Placement 2B
  • Placement 3
  • Placement 1
  • Placement 2A
  • Research Dissertation
  • Professional Practice in Dietetics 1
  • Professional Practice in Dietetics 2
  • Fundamentals of Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Practical Nutritional Assessment
  • Malnutrition in the Community
  • Experimental Design and Research Methods in Nutrition
  • Therapeutic Aspects of Nutrition

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