  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full time, 2 years part time

Masters Degree Description

This programme will develop your understanding of how language knowledge changes as people acquire or lose language at various points in their life.

The programme is designed primarily for graduates with a background related to linguistics and/or psychology who wish to develop their knowledge of current research on language acquisition – first, second, bilingual, and impaired.

You will also look at language change from a cognitive perspective and from the point of view of current linguistic theories.

Joining a vibrant research community of developmental linguists, you will have the opportunity to carry out advanced research to try to answer questions related to the area of language development and bilingualism. These questions might include, ‘how do children learn language?’ or ‘what happens when we forget a language?’

Entry Requirements

A UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, preferably in linguistics, psychology or a related subject.


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Student Destinations

This programme will provide you with the specialised skills you need to perform research in language learning and development. It will also serve as a solid basis for doctoral study.

Recent graduates are now conducting research and working in areas such as:

  • translating and teaching braille and English as a foreign language
  • organisations including Euroschools, Global Language Services and the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

Module Details

Compulsory courses

  • Introduction to Phonology and Phonetics
  • Introduction to Syntax
  • First Language Acquisition
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Univariate Statistics and Methodology Using R
  • Research Methods in Developmental Linguistics

Option courses

Courses may include:

  • Sentence Comprehension
  • Discourse Comprehension
  • Language Production
  • Origins and Evolution of Language
  • Simulating Language
  • Psychology of Language Learning
  • Child Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
  • Developmental Language Disorders
  • Language Evolution in the Lab

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