
MA PG Dip PG Cert Developmental and Therapeutic Play

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-yime, 2 or 3 years part-time, PGDip 1 year full-time 2 years part-time, PGCert 1 year full/part-time

Masters Degree Description

Gain an advanced understanding of how children learn and develop through play with our Master’s degree in Developmental and Therapeutic Play.

You will explore evidence-based practice in play across a range of professional contexts, combining in-depth theory with fieldwork experience.

This includes how the environment and social interactions support children’s growing repertoire of play skills, with a particular emphasis on the inherent value of children’s self-directed play experiences.

Throughout your studies, you will refine critical research and analytical skills valued by employers and develop professional reflective practice techniques.


Based in our School of Social Sciences, you will benefit from a diverse teaching and research environment, with many opportunities to make connections across disciplines.

We have strong links with a range of research networks and similar departments in universities in Europe and around the world, so your learning is informed by the latest policy and practice developments.

Entry Requirements

To apply for this course you will need a minimum of a second class honours UK (2.2) degree or above in a related discipline.

We also welcome non-graduate applications if you have relevant work experience. (Please email the programme manager for individual advice).

The MA Developmental and Therapeutic Play programme has a 30 hour voluntary placement element to one of the modules.  If you choose to do the 30 hour voluntary placement, you will need to apply and pay for a DBS when on the course (please see additional costs section).

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

We offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries for both taught and research courses to help you fund your study.

Student Destinations

Your postgraduate qualification in Developmental and Therapeutic Play opens up a range of career opportunities in sectors including:

  • Education
  • International aid
  • Counselling and pastoral care
  • Social work
  • Healthcare
  • Play work
  • Domestic violence teams
  • Prison service

Module Details

For module details please see here

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