
Developing Practice Educator Skills

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year, part-time

Masters Degree Description

This course provides social workers with the opportunity to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to qualify as a stage 1 practice educator in accordance with the requirements of the Practice Educator Professional Standards.

You will investigate various theories around adult learning whilst evaluating your own learning and supervision needs as a practice educator.

Various teaching methods will be evaluated.

You will design and plan learning activities in order to facilitate the learning of others.

You will explore how to develop learning opportunities for students and examine the process of preparing and maintaining a successful placement in accordance with the requirements of the Social Work England.

Please note this short course is a pre-requisite for the [Enhancing Practice Educator Skills|00007013] short course. You must successfully complete both courses in order to be able to independently support and assess social work students in line with the Practice Educator Framework.

Teaching and assessment

You will be taught through a series of lectures, seminars and guided study, which will be supported by the University’s virtual learning environment.

Assessment will include the submission of a portfolio. Your module specification/course handbook will provide full details of the assessment criteria applying to your course.

Feedback (usually written) is normally provided on all coursework submissions within three term time weeks – unless the submission was made towards the end of the session in which case feedback would be available on request after the formal publication of results. Feedback on exam performance/final coursework is available on request after the publication of results.

The University of Huddersfield operates an attendance monitoring system. Further details can be found in the Attendance Monitoring Policy.

Entry Requirements

for this course are normally:

Be a qualified Social Worker currently registered with Social Work England.

Have two years post-qualifying experience.

Be able to act as a practice educator for a Social Work Student alongside the course.

If your first language is not English, you will need to meet the minimum requirements of an English Language qualification. The minimum for IELTS is 6.0 overall with no element lower than 5.5, or equivalent will be considered acceptable. Read more about the University’s for students outside of the UK on our Where are you from information pages.

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