
PG Cert Design for Cultural Commons

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PG Cert: 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Why study this course

Do you find yourself concerned by current problems of social and economic inequality? Are you seeking a solution which could support methods to instigate power shifts? “The Commons” as a field of study is considered to offer this very solution.

This postgraduate certificate offers a unique opportunity to rigorously interrogate new forms of practice; to challenge unequal power relations; to question planetary resource extraction and to tackle the inequalities of market-focussed capitalism. If you’re looking to develop financially stable practices for delivering ethical services and products, the modules on this course will put you well on your way. This course also enables you to interrogate or intervene in an existing organisation/institution.

Who this course is for

You may be:

  • An existing practitioner who wants to critically reflect on their practice and analyse where to go next using the Commons as a tool for analysis or as a way to frame your practice.
  • An artist, designer, architect or urban designer interested in developing innovative new forms of social and ecological practice that are not offered in the conventional training of your discipline. You will learn to articulate a social, ethical and Commons-based practice which is financially sustainable.
  • An employee in an institution or organisation who wants to reflect on your role. Either to gain more agency, to have an impact or to develop a new socially responsible and Commons-based area within the institution.

For full course details please visit the course page on the university website.

Entry Requirements

You’ll generally be required to have one or a combination of the following:

  • an honours degree classification of 2.1/2.2 (or equivalent) in any subject discipline
  • practice experience in any field, with some understanding of working within NGOs or other third sector organisations.
  • an up-to-date CV and copies of award certificates

If your qualifications don’t meet the requirements above but you have a portfolio of substantial relevant experience in the field of Commons or a similar discourse, you’ll be invited to an interview to demonstrate your abilities for a postgraduate course on the Commons.

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For fee details please see here.

Student Destinations

Should students want to gain employment they will have opportunities in:

UN-Habitat agencies
Local Government
Partners established during the MA
Organisations through European Commons network
Transition towns
Government research on future of cities

Module Details

Modules include:

  • Commoning Practice (core, 40 credits)
  • History and Theory of Commons (core, 20 credits)

For full module details please visit the university website.

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