
MA Cultural and Intellectual History 1300–1650

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 12 months full-time only.

Masters Degree Description

This degree at the Warburg Institute aims to equip students for interdisciplinary research in Medieval and Renaissance studies and in the reception of the classical tradition. Although it is a qualification in its own right, the MA is also designed to provide training for further research at doctoral level.Students are given the opportunity to examine early printed books and manuscripts. Reading classes in Latin, Italian and French are provided and are intended to help acquire the necessary familiarity with those languages as written in the late middle ages and the Renaissance.

Entry Requirements

The normal minimum entrance requirement for all masters degrees is a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree from a university in the UK, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard (for example a Grade Point Average [GPA] of 3.0 or higher). Applicants for Mphil / PhD are normally required to have a masters degree or equivalent. Please see Admissions Policy for full details. Applications may also be considered from candidates who do not meet the formal academic requirements, but who offer alternative qualifications and/or relevant experience.

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