
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Critical Youth Community Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PgDip/PgCert: 12 -18 months full-time, 24 – 30 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our MSc Critical Youth & Community Studies course is ideal if you have a first degree or experience in youth and community practices and aspire to develop your knowledge and understanding of statutory or voluntary contexts.

The course offers three learning pathways for qualified, non-qualified and international students. It responds to demand for a masters-level qualification in a distinct and growing professional area, where high quality learning is supported by research that is recognised internationally and takes a similarly blended methodology in its teaching and learning methods.

The Postgraduate Certificate level of this course is recognised by CLD Standards Council for Scotland as a lead practitioner qualification.

Entry Requirements

You should normally hold a first degree in a subject relevant to your professional role.

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Programme Funding

Student Destinations

Our Master’s course opens doors to a range of career prospects in communities across the world, such as:

youth and community work
voluntary sector interface
community activism
social enterprise
teaching artists
school-community work
creative industries

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