
MA Critical And Cultural Theory

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time 24 months part time

Masters Degree Description

In this Masters degree you’ll study cultural analysis in depth, focusing on themes of commodification, language, and subjectivity. You'll study in an interdisciplinary way, developing skills that lead to a wide variety of applications and careers.

This degree takes a philosophical and historical approach to critical and cultural theory. We draw upon the major traditions of cultural theory, including semiology, feminism and gender theory, psychoanalysis, deconstruction, and Frankfurt School theories of the aesthetic, the media and technology. Key critical references include postcolonial and critical race theory, as well as posthumanism and ecocriticism.

You'll be exposed to a range of critical paradigms and develop your skills in close analysis: your ability to identify and unpack the key elements of a critical work or cultural artefact. This attention to the ‘textuality’ of these various texts, broadly defined, constitutes a crucial link between theory and practice, such that the line between critical and creative cultural practice is no longer determinative.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons)

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Student Destinations

You’ll develop your critical and cultural awareness and expand your subject knowledge in theories and histories of culture. In addition, you will graduate with sophisticated research, analytical, critical and communication skills that will put you in a good position to succeed in a variety of careers.

Many of our graduates have also continued with their research at PhD level and secured external funding to support them – including AHRC scholarships. A significant number of our former research students are also now developing academic careers in the UK, Europe, Asia, USA and Australia.

In addition to those pursuing careers in academia, our graduates have careers across a broad range of critical and creative domains, including journalism, publishing, the creative industries and arts marketing, public relations, university administration and teaching, as well as working as curators and education staff in museums and galleries.

Module Details

Cultural History    30
MA Dissertation    60
Cultural History    30
Year 1 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)
Module Name    Credits
Derrida and Deconstruction    30
Reading Sexual Difference    30
Unfinished Business: Trauma, Cultural Memory and the Holocaust    30
Aesthetics and Politics    30
Art, Ecology and Empire    30
Adventures in the Archive    30
Postcolonial Feminisms    30
Anthropology, Art and Representation    30
Humanity, Animality and Globality    30
The Cultural Politics of Artificial Intelligence    30

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