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Masters Degree Description

Our MA Creative Education is a two-year top-up Level 7 award that is designed specifically to build on your previous study of a related Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), or attainment of Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2).

Successful applicants will already have attained key pedagogic skills and experiences. The MA Creative Education will build on these to explore the wider landscape of contemporary learning and teaching.

Building on your previous study of a related Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE) or attainment of Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2) Our MA Creative Education offers a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary landscape of creative Higher Education (HE). This course supports you to develop your knowledge of relevant pedagogies, integrate educational theory with your teaching practice and gain new insights into creative education, your own specialist subject, and the broader realm of Higher Education.

The course equips you with the skills you need to apply your learning to your teaching practice; making the learning experience directly relevant to your career goals. The MA Creative Education is designed to advance your skills as an independent learner, with a strong emphasis on providing the necessary support and guidance for your professional development. We will support you to manage and plan your independent study time as you become an increasingly autonomous learner/practitioner. This ensures that you feel reassured and confident in your learning journey.

Entry Requirements

Our MA Creative Education is a two-year top-up Level 7 award that is designed specifically to build on your previous study of a related Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), or attainment of Advance HE Fellowship (Descriptor 2).

Successful applicants will already have attained key pedagogic skills and experiences. The MA Creative Education will build on these to explore the wider landscape of contemporary learning and teaching.

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Check the Norwich University of the Arts website for the latest information on fees and funding.

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