
MA Creative and Media Enterprises

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time (Home/EU)

Masters Degree Description

In this programme you will be invited to develop your understanding of creative organisations, teams, value creation, and markets within the global creative economy. We encourage you to consider a creative approach to management and a managed approach to creativity, which can then be applied to a range of scenarios and industries.

You will also develop your understanding of entrepreneurship and intellectual property and its strategic and regulatory significance within the creative and media industries. This course will invite you to critically reflect on the theories and ideas that shape industry practice and help you to tackle the real challenges of running a creative business.

Entry Requirements

2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a related subject

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Programme Funding

We offer a variety of postgraduate funding options for study at the University of Warwick, from postgraduate loans, university scholarships, fee awards, to academic department bursaries.

Student Destinations

Recent graduates from this course have gone on to work in a variety of managerial and creative roles in TV, advertising, digital media, video games, research, marketing, and rights management, or have set-up their own creative enterprises.

Employers include the BBC, Sky, Discovery, Warner Bros, HBO, Bankside Films, Ogilvy, Havas Worldwide, Penguin, Random House, Penguin, Google, Facebook, Bytedance, Tencent, Activision Blizzard, Universal, and Primavera Sound.

Our School has a dedicated professionally qualified Senior Careers Consultant offering impartial advice and guidance together with workshops and events throughout the year. Previous examples of workshops and events include:

  • Discovering Careers in the Creative Industries
  • Careers in Radio Film and Television
  • Warwick careers fairs throughout the year
  • A history and DIY Guide to setting up and running a Theatre Company

Module Details

Core modules

Creativity and Organisation

The module examines the internal organisational dynamic of the creative business, from financial planning and human resource management to organisational theory. The module is divided into three parts. The first part examines the definition and creation of ‘value’ in the creative and media industries and relates this to issues in financial management. The second part considers the organisational structure of creative and media businesses. The third part focuses on strategic planning, incorporating a critique of ‘scientific’ approaches to management and planning, and a search for alternative models for strategic planning for small creative enterprises.

Creativity and Entrepreneurship

This module will examine two distinct entities – the individual creative entrepreneur and their creative ideas. We will study the entrepreneurial processes that turn ideas to businesses. In assessing the entrepreneurial processes, we will examine the role of intellectual property, the currency of the creative sectors and how value is created in the creative and media enterprises. We will explore the confluence and conflicts between different creative, commercial and legal imperatives for creative entrepreneurs through case studies, seminars, and presentations by visiting experts.

Creative Business Project

In this module you will apply your learning by participating in a specific project for a creative or media organisation. Working as a member of a small team you will deliver a strategic solution to a genuine issue or challenge faced by the company. Your project may relate to business planning and development, product or service design, or marketing strategy. Working in association with colleagues from your client company, your team will put their ideas into practice to meet the objectives of their brief. You will deepen your understanding of the dynamics of creative work, teams and organisations through the execution of your project and ongoing reflective practice.

Research Design

This module aims to prepare you for your Major Project, which is a substantial piece of independent research on a topic of your choice. The module will equip you with a broad understanding of relevant research methods from which to select an appropriate approach for your own project. It will introduce you to ethical dimensions of research. It will equip you to write an effective proposal (including research questions, rationale, explanation and justification of research methods, identifying relevant literature and data sources).

By the end of the module, you should be ready to submit your proposal and be equipped with a broad understanding of research methods in the cultural, creative and media industries field.

Plus the following:

Major Project

The Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies is an interdisciplinary centre for teaching and research in the fields of cultural and media policy and the creative industries. The commitment to interdisciplinarity is reflected in our Major Projects, where you will be encouraged to draw on approaches from across the humanities and social sciences in producing your work. Successful projects can emerge from creative engagement with scholarly debates, from the design and analysis of original empirical work, or from some combination of these. This openness of approach is also reflected in how Major Project research can be represented.

Optional modules

Optional modules can vary from year to year. Example optional modules may include:

  • Marketing and Markets
  • Cultural Entrepreneurship
  • Media, Policy and Markets
  • Developing Audiences for Cultural Organisations
  • Managing Creativity for Sustainable Development

All students will take one optional module. There are five core modules, which also includes a course specific applied management module. The bespoke applied management module for this MA is ‘Creative Business Project’ (see above). This module gives you the opportunity to apply your learning in practice- or industry-related contexts.

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