  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

We provide a creative and intensive programme that encourages breaking down the conventional barriers between arts disciplines. You’ll locate your position within contemporary practice through self-directed study and modern, well-equipped facilities with abundant studio and exhibition space. Our dynamic and passionate staff are practicing artists with international reputations, who will use their extensive knowledge and experience to help you enhance your studies further.

Entry Requirements

1st or 2nd class honours degree.

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Student Destinations

Previous students have exhibited their work at national and international levels, and are at the centre of initiative within Cumbria related to contemporary arts. You could use your skills to become a professional artist, a private of public curator, a researcher, an art academic or anything involved with the visual arts.

We encourage work outside university studies in setting up exhibitions and events with third parties, building up connections for future employment. It is part of our collective remit to explore and promote the influence and scope of contemporary art, respecting its methodologies and role as a critical instrument in the arenas of culture, politics and ethics.

Module Details

Year one

Compulsory modules

  • Critical Contexts
  • Practice: Research and Theory
  • Practice and Cultural Context
  • Practice: Enquiry and Audience
  • MA Project Proposal and Professional Development
  • MA Practice and Analysis

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