  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full-time: 1 year Part-time: 2 years Flexible: up to 5 years

Masters Degree Description

Advances in digital technologies are providing us the means to sense, visualise and increasingly understand our built and natural environments. These Connected Environment technologies are the forefront of an emerging science, interlinking the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Data Science. This practical programme will introduce you to electronics, programming and the design process. You will gain hands-on experience of everything from idea generation to prototyping and deployment. 

Entry Requirements

A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.

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Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

Our built environment can serve as an efficient means of living—culturally, interactively, and ecologically—while our natural environment sustains life through complex ecosystems. Understanding and optimizing these systems is crucial, and digital technologies offer tools for observation and insight. 

The Connected Environments MSc at the Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) is a forward-thinking degree with a focus on building, coding, and deploying devices to sense, communicate, and analyse data related to our built and natural environments. This programme addresses the industry need for skills in programming, data capture, visualisation, and prototyping to tackle key environmental challenges. 


Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Connected Environments
  • Mobile Systems & Interactions
  • Making, Designing & Building Connected Sensor Systems
  • Web Architecture
  • Deep Learning for Sensor Networks
  • Sensor Data Visualisation
  • Ethics, Sustainability and Business of the Internet of Things
  • Connected Environments Group Prototype and Pitch
  • Dissertation

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