
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Clinical Pharmacy (distance learning)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert MSc – three years part-time PG Diploma – two years part-time PG Cert-one year part time

Masters Degree Description

If you are an international student please see Clinical Pharmacy| (distance learning international students) MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert (International).

The Clinical Pharmacy MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert has been designed to meet the continuing professional development (CPD) needs of experienced professionals in the public and private sectors. It aims to equip pharmacists for working in a role that extends beyond that of drug dispensing, preparing you with the knowledge and skills required for effective work in a clinical pharmacy environment; such as conducting medication reviews and participating in ward rounds.

  • Suitable for a range of professionals, such as pharmacists and locums working in hospitals, primary care, community and prison settings in the UK
  • Flexible blended learning (distance learning with minimal attendance), allows practitioners to study alongside work commitments
  • A distance learning approach that enables practicing pharmacists to continue their professional development (CPD) with a clinical qualification
  • Practice-based assessments allow you to tailor your study directly to your working practices
  • Gain a thorough understanding of clinical pharmacy issues including; clinical governance, evidenced based medicine and medicines management; developing your clinical evaluation skills
  • Developed in collaboration with clinical pharmacy specialists across the UK
  • No upfront fees, payment per module
  • You will acquire and develop the necessary specialist skills and experience sought after in many different sectors of practice, allowing you to step up in your career progression

Entry Requirements

  • Registration as a pharmacist with the General Pharmaceutical Council or Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
  • Practicing in a patient facing role at least one day a week
  • If not taught in English at degree level then IELTs or equivalent score of 6.5

The University may consider accreditation of prior learning if the student has done similar courses at a different university.


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UK/EU: One year £1580

Student Destinations

100 per cent of our Clinical Pharmacy graduates are successful within six months of graduating, earning an average salary of £45,700. [DLHE 2010/11]

Clinical Pharmacy MSc enables practising pharmacists to develop their careers and gain an additional clinical qualification.

The specialist and learning skills you acquire are highly sought after in many different sectors of practice. Having an MSc is recognised by many employers as a stepping stone in career progression.

Module Details

All students will study the same modules at certificate stage:

  • Clinical foundations – This module aims to enable students to develop the necessary understanding and skills to facilitate the delivery of medicines management in the areas of diagnostic testing and monitoring of disease processes and drug therapies.
  • Practice foundations – This is a negotiated learning module with generic work based learning outcomes. It is intended that this module will be practice specific for pharmacists from different sectors entering the MSc in Clinical Pharmacy Programme. It sets the scene and applies learning principles that underpin the whole programme. The precise nature of the three knowledge areas can be negotiated, but should cover aspects of audit, communication with patients and professionals, and professional decision-making.
  • Clinical Practice 1 – This module aims to enable students to develop the necessary understanding and skills to facilitate the delivery of pharmaceutical care in the clinical areas of respiratory and cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Public health – Increasingly pharmacists are being expected to contribute to disease prevention and public health interventions. This module aims to equip pharmacists with the knowledge necessary to adapt to this changed role.

At diploma stage all students will study the following modules, then they can choose from different optional modules:

  • Clinical Practice 2 – This module aims to enable students to develop the necessary understanding and skills to facilitate the delivery of pharmaceutical care in the clinical areas of psychiatry, palliative care and gastrointestinal conditions.


  • Clinical Practice 3 – This module aims to enable students to develop the necessary understanding and skills to facilitate the delivery of pharmaceutical care in the clinical areas of musculoskeletal disease, neurology, falls, tuberculosis and thyroid disorders.


  • Service development – The module is designed to develop students’ understanding of theoretical and professional aspects of clinical pharmacy practice and services. Students will develop a critical appreciation of how pharmaceutical services are managed taking account of national and local healthcare structure, policy and priorities.


  • Practice development – This module enables students to build on the clinical, problem solving, communication and presentation skills developed in the Practice Foundations module. It is intended that this module will be practice specific for pharmacists from different sectors entering the MSc in Clinical Pharmacy Programme.


  • Independent prescribing – This module aims to prepare pharmacists to become independent prescribers as recognised by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). See the separate entry for this module in the prospectus.


  • Research Methods – The module provides a thorough preparation for the conduct of a MSc level dissertation involving the handling of complex data sets, covering qualitative and quantitative data analysis and study design. Students wishing to study the MSc year must complete the Research Methods module.

At MSc stage students will complete a year long independent study project.

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