
MSc PgDip Clinical Leadership in Action

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    3 year PT

Masters Degree Description

Effective leadership and management do not happen by chance. This practice-related course will help you develop the knowledge, skills and qualities to be an effective health care leader. This leadership and management course is designed to give you the confidence to try new and creative approaches to the workplace, deal with complex leadership situations and provide effective patient and service outcomes.

The course is aimed at all health care professionals including nurses, midwives, doctors, physiotherapists, radiographers and health care scientists who want to develop the knowledge, skills and qualities to be an effective health care leader in your palliative care organisation.

Entry Requirements

This practice-related, master’s course is aimed at all health care professionals currently working in palliative care organisations, including nurses, midwives, doctors, physiotherapists, radiographers and health care scientists who want to develop the knowledge, skills and qualities to be an effective health care leader within this specialist setting.

Typically, an applicant is normally a qualified health care professional currently working in middle management or wanting to move up to middle/senior management within their palliative care organisation. Some applicants are already managers and want the formal qualification to support the role they are already doing.

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