  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year Full time

Masters Degree Description

This programme develops the required knowledge and skills to be eligible for registration as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP).

There has never been a more pressing need for CEPs to support the health of the nation. The NHS and other health care providers are facing unprecedented demand for services while the experience of Covid highlighted and exacerbated issues related to an underlying physical inactivity epidemic. CEPs are University MSc qualified health professionals trained to screen, assess and apply clinical and scientific reasoning to ensure safety and appropriateness of exercise-based interventions that can support long term behaviour change; as professionals they are expected to advance their practice through continuing education, competency development and professional experience.

Our MSc programme helps graduates to meet the Academy for Healthcare Sciences (AHCS) Standards of Proficiency which are in line with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of Proficiency.

This course is led by Dr Amanda Pitkethly, and our team of excellent academics have a lot to offer. You will experience their international reach and esteem, for example, Prof. Anna Campbell is a member of the WHO Cancer Rehabilitation 2030 working group. The team also have valuable applied clinical experience to bring to the classroom, are involved in developing the CEP-UK national curriculum, as well as the continued recognition and promotion of the CEP profession in the UK.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirement for this course is a Bachelor (Honours) degree at 2:2 or above, or equivalent experience, in a sport and exercise science or physical activity & health or any human health related science degree (e.g. Biomedical Science, Human Physiology, or allied health professional degree including Physiotherapy and Nursing).

In addition to the academic qualification, candidates should use their personal statements to show how their undergraduate knowledge and skills, any additional experience and hobbies, support their application for the course.

Additional information

Successful applicants to the MSc Clinical Exercise Physiology programme will be required to complete a placement module, this is dependent upon a satisfactory Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Check at the module preparation stage. The cost of the PVG check will be paid by the University. The Edinburgh Napier University terms and conditions of enhanced PVG checks and the policy for Applicants with Declared Criminal Convictions can be found here. Additionally, during the placement module preparation stage, successful applicants, going on clinical placements, will be required to undergo an Occupational Health check, including required immunisations for a variety of conditions. If an applicant declares an issue, they will be guided to occupational health for discussion concerning their health needs and potential adaptations. Immunisation is advised but cannot be required nor mandatory. Documented evidence of previous immunisations will be required, and students will be guided through this process by Edinburgh Napier University when entering the programme. 

Successful applicants are recommended to become student members of the British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences on joining the programme, and to opt in for communications from Clinical Exercise Physiology | Clinical Exercise Physiology UK. Once you have successfully completed all aspects of the MSc programme you will then be eligible for professional registration with the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) as a as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist.

If you want to get more information on the admission process, please get in touch with the postgraduate admissions team by submitting an enquiry form.

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See our website for fees

Student Destinations

By studying Clinical Exercise Physiology at Edinburgh Napier University, you will gain the skills and knowledge to be able to work as part of a healthcare team across multiple healthcare settings, such as within a hospital or a community as a CEP.  You will specialise in screening, exercise testing and assessment, as well as the design, delivery and evaluation of evidence-based exercise or physical activity interventions that include education, advice and support that promote lifestyle modification and behaviour change.

What does a Clinical Exercise Physiologist do?
As a CEP, you will help a range of people from apparently healthy individuals to those with chronic and complex conditions along the care pathway from primary prevention, through acute management, to rehabilitation and maintenance.

The role of CEP is to work in a range of primary, secondary and tertiary care settings as part of a multidisciplinary team of health care and rehabilitation providers from hospital to community. For example, within:

  • Secondary care pre/rehabilitation settings
  • Primary Care
  • Private hospital settings
  • Public and private multidisciplinary clinics and leisure services
  • Defence Medical Services
  • Population/Public health/ Policy advisors
  • Workplace health and rehabilitation
  • Research/Academic

Module Details

Modules that you will study* as part of this course

Behaviour Change & Communication ( SES11133 )
Clinical Exercise Physiology Work Based Learning (FULL TIME) ( SES11139 )
Clinical Skills I ( SES11134 )
Clinical Skills II ( SES11136 )
Exercise Interventions: Design, Delivery and Implementation ( SES11137 )
Exercise Physiology ( SES11135 )
Pathophysiology and Clinical Management ( SES11138 )

* These are indicative only and reflect the course structure in the current academic year. Some changes may occur between now and the time that you study.

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