
MSc PGDip Children’s Advanced Nurse Practitioner

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Part-time: 3 years, PgDip – 2 years

Masters Degree Description

Enhance healthcare

Our programme will develop your abilities in the field of professional practice, introducing you to complex issues, systematically and creatively, so that you may enhance a child’s (and their family’s) experience of health care. Diagnostic, assessment and prescribing clinical skills are core to the programme, alongside critical analysis and research.

We aim to provide life-long learning and personal development, enabling you to work with self-direction and originality, as well as to contribute to professional practice and society. Such is the future of paediatric nursing; more nurses are specialising in autonomous roles across a variety of clinical specialities, from primary through to tertiary care.

Entry Requirements

  • Normally applicants will hold a Bachelor Honours degree
  • Current registration on the NMC register with a Children’s Nursing qualification
  • Three years post-qualifying experience
  • Current employment in a professional practice (minimum 15 hours per week)
  • You will also require evidence of employer support; an identified expert practitioner educated to Masters level as your facilitator; and dedicated clinical time to focus on practice based requirements

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Module Details

Core modules

  • Advanced Assessment of the Presenting Child (20 credits)
  • Applied Clinical Physiology (Neonate and Child) (20 credits)
  • Managing the Complex Presenting Child (20 credits)
  • Research in Health and Social Care (20 credits)

Franchised modules

Students can substitute the Advanced Assessment, Applied Clinical Physiology and Managing the Complex Presenting Child modules for two franchised modules at a local London Trust:

  • Advanced Assessment of the Critically Ill Child (40 credits)
  • Managing Complexities and Emergencies in Childhood: Developing the Retrieval Nurse Practitioner role.

These modules are for the more experienced paediatric nurse working in the critical care environment and want to enhance their skills within the Nurse Retrieval role, and applications need to be made directly with the relevant London NHS Trust.

Optional modules

  • Paediatric Non Medical Prescribing (40 credits)


  • Two optional 20 credit modules from the LSBU Children’s Nursing CPPD Portfolio

Students can exit here with a Post Graduate Diploma (PGDip) Children’s Advanced Nurse Practitioner, OR continue with a Dissertation / Systematic Review / Journal Review for the full MSc.

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