  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Ranked 3rd in the UK and 17th in the world in the QS University Rankings 2025 for MSc Business Analytics, the course features a broad range of theory and applications in analytics.

The course offers you the opportunity to gain in-depth theoretical and applied knowledge of business analytics, and to provide insights on how to analyse business problems and solve them using a variety of operational research, statistics and machine learning techniques.

You will also gain a cross-disciplinary training in business models, quantitative methods and data science by covering descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, and be prepared for working in complex data-driven environments through building up quantitative consultancy skills and developing programming skills.

You will also be guided in optionally obtaining certification as Associate Certified Analytics Professional. This globally recognised certification is offered by the INFORMS (USA) and The OR Society (UK), and the required knowledge to pass the certification exam is closely aligned with the core content of this course.

You will cover a balance of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, involving visualisation (Tableau), forecasting and data mining techniques, and optimisation.

Skills from this degree

  • Learn how to gain business insights from large data sets through a range of cutting-edge techniques
  • Cover a diverse set of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics modules, aligned with industry trends
  • Continue developing your programming skills in SQL, R, and Python
  • Prepare to step directly into business by conducting an external consultancy project with a real client or putting your learnings into practice with the applied Business in Practice module
  • Develop your industry acumen by accessing our CareersPlus service with specialist careers coaches.

Entry Requirements

At least a 2:1 degree at Undergraduate level or equivalent. We consider applications from a wide range of degrees including economics, business, engineering, psychology, geography, sociology, and politics. The course requires demonstration of strong numeracy, IT and statistical ability at undergraduate level.

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For fees and funding information please see our website

Programme Funding

We offer a variety of postgraduate funding options for study at the University of Warwick, from postgraduate loans, university scholarships, fee awards, to academic department bursaries.

Student Destinations

We have our own dedicated careers team at Warwick Business School called WBS CareersPlus. You will have access to one-to-one career guidance appointments, CV checks and tailored mock interviews.

Personalised support

The WBS CareersPlus team will support you and help you to understand yourself and your strengths. They can help you to identify possible career paths, and to set and achieve your career ambitions. This helps to boost your employability and helps you prepare for your career.

You can take advantage of personalised careers coaching and advice. Our one to one careers appointments can help you if you have a question about writing applications, wish to explore your career options, or need to prepare for interviews and assessment centres.

Module Details

Core Modules

  • Data Management
  • Business Statistics
  • Analytics in Practice
  • Optimisation Models
  • Advanced Analytics: Models and Applications
  • Advanced Data Analysis
  • Understanding Business for Analysts
  • Dissertation or Business in Practice

Optional modules

Optional modules can vary from year to year. Example optional modules may include:

  • Supply Chain Analytics
  • Forecasting
  • Pricing Analytics
  • Financial Analytics
  • Generative AI and AI Systems.

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