
Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 Year FT

Masters Degree Description

The BPP Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) provides the training you need to prepare you for pupillage and practise as a barrister.

Our BPTC gives you the best preparation you need to represent your future clients in court. We teach 30% more advocacy than the Bar Standards Board requirement, our advocacy classes are in groups of four, we give you the widest choice of ‘options’ amongst the providers and you will be taught by people who’ve worked in law, succeeded in law and are ready to help you to do the same.

On successfully completing our BPTC, you’ll be fully prepared for the demands of life as a barrister – and you’ll be eligible to be called to the Bar of England and Wales.

The legal profession can be demanding and being a barrister isn’t for everyone. It is recommended you read this important information issued by the Bar Standards Board for those wishing to study for the Bar of England and Wales.

Key Information

•Small group sessions – all practical advocacy and conference sessions are taught in groups of 4
•Widest selection of options to choose from, more than any other provider
•Gain vital work experience – by advising real clients through our award-winning Pro Bono Centre
•Value for money – all books and learning materials included in the fee
•Learn from experienced practitioners with a strong practical focus
•Increase your knowledge with introductions to pupillage lectures and court visits , helping you target your applications to the most appropriate chambers for you
•More advocacy – our programme includes 30% more advocacy teaching than required by the Bar Standards Board
•Convert your BPP BPTC to a full Masters degree by completing an additional 60 credits
•Practice your skills through mock trial and mooting events judged by members of the judiciary and practitioners
•Proactive careers support to give you the best possible chance of securing pupillage
•True-to-life assessments in advocacy and conference, using professional actors

World-class teaching with a highly practical focus

The BPP BPTC is a challenging and rewarding programme. The programme starts with an induction to the core nature of the profession and programme and legal research. You then study a number of compulsory modules that cover the key skills and knowledge areas required for the profession. These include:

  • Advocacy
  • Conference
  • Opinion Writing
  • Drafting
  • Criminal Litigation and Evidence
  • Civil Litigation and Evidence
  • Professional Ethics
  • Resolution of Disputes out of Court

You will also need to choose two of the available eleven optional modules, depending on which areas of law you wish to specialise in. These include:

  • Advanced Commercial Law
  • Advanced Criminal Litigation
  • Employment
  • Judicial Review
  • International Trade
  • Intellectual Property
  • Public International Criminal Law
  • Property and Chancery
  • Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence
  • Company Law
  • Family Law

Please note that modules run subject to demand, therefore all modules may not run in all locations.

Closely linked to the profession

The focus of the Bar Professional Training Course is on practical experience and application, with particular emphasis placed on advocacy. Highly experienced tutors – some of whom are still practising or retain close links with the profession – run small group sessions that draw on real-life situations, and many of their own cases.

Innovative study tools

Learning materials include:

  • online demonstrations
  • suggested answers for written work
  • live mock assessments with professional actors – for advocacy and conference
  • DVD recordings to allow you to review your performance on a weekly basis
  • Recorded revision lectures for all Civil and Criminal small group sessions
  • The White Book and Blackstones Criminal Practice 

Study dates and assessment

The full-time BPTC runs for a whole academic year – September to June. Alternatively, you can choose to study for the qualification part-time, one weekend per month, over two years. 

For the full-time option, classes are held four days per week, with one day a week reserved for research and preparation. For the part-time option, there is a four-day induction programme followed by one weekend of classroom study per month.

You will be assessed by a combination of written and oral skills examinations throughout the year. For both full-time and part-time students most assessments will take place on weekdays.

At BPP students have the option to type their assessments as opposed to hand writing them.

Opportunity to gain a full Masters by studying an additional 60 credits

On completion of the BPTC you will have gained 120 of the 180 credits required for a full Masters degree. We give you the opportunity to enhance your qualification by enabling you to study the remaining 60 credits with us. This means, depending on your subject choices, you can either graduate with an LLM (Professional Legal Practice) or MA (Law with Business).

Entry Requirements

The BPTC entry requirements are:

  • Qualifying Law Degree or non Law Degree plus CPE/GDL (minimum 2:2)
  • Membership of an Inn of Court

a. a minimum score of 7.5 in each section of the IELTS academic test;
b. a minimum score of 28 in each part of the internet based TOEFL test; or
c. a minimum score of 73 in each part of the Pearson Test of English (academic)

On entry to the programme students will be required to sign a statement that they are aware that this standard is required of all students who enter the BPTC, and that they consider that they have met it. For those with any doubt as to the level of their English skills, they are strongly advised to undertake one of the above tests before enrolling on the programme.

Certificates issued by a test provider verifying the score achieved by a candidate in one of the above tests must be current and valid by reference to the rules of that test provider as at the date the candidate commences the BPTC.

Subsequent to being admitted to the BPTC, should BPP University College consider that a student’s language ability is unsatisfactory or there is question as to whether any aspect of it is at the required level, it will require the student to take one of the above language tests at any stage in the course (at the student’s cost) and achieve the required score. This right is unrestricted regardless of the students’ first language.

Should the student then fail to achieve a required minimum score in one of the tests specified above, BPP University College may require the student to:

a. withdraw from the programme; or
b. intermit and improve their score prior to being re-admitted in a subsequent year. This will be dependent on how much of the programme has been undertaken.

In all cases the student is wholly liable for any costs incurred.

The Bar Standards Board believes that compliance with one of the standards identified above is the absolute minimum necessary to successfully complete the Bar Professional Training Course.

BPTC selection criteria

  • Strong academic profile and achievement
  • Evidence of good written communication skills
  • Demonstrated commitment to a career as a barrister
  • Demonstrated commitment to studying with BPP
  • Any special circumstances revealed in your application
  • Academic or other references

Please see important information issued by the Bar Standards Board for those wishing to study for the Bar of England and Wales.

Module Details

The BPTC comprises an induction and a series of compulsory modules. You must also choose two of the optional modules – depending on the area you wish to specialise in. Our tutors and careers service can provide guidance if required.

The introductory lecture for each compulsory module includes an overview of the programme, details of the method of assessment and an introduction to key concepts.

Professional Ethics – (6 Credits)
Civil Litigation, Evidence and Remedies – (12 Credits)
Advocacy – (30 Credits)
Criminal Litigation, Evidence and Sentencing – (12 Credits)
Drafting – (12 Credits)
Legal Research and Case Preparation – (NA Credits)
Conference Skills – (6 Credits)
Opinion Writing – (12 Credits)
Resolution of Disputes out of Court – (6 Credits)

Optional – (12 Credits each)
Company Law
Property and Chancery
International Trade
Intellectual Property
Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence
Employment Law
Family Law
Judicial Review
Advanced Criminal Litigation

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