
MA PG Dip PG Cert Autism Spectrum Condition

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA (3 years part-time), PGDip (2 years part-time), PG Cert, (1 year part-time)

Masters Degree Description

Why Study Autism Spectrum Condition with us?

You will study all aspects of ASC, particularly as it relates to educational context, and gain an in-depth perspective of autism theory, research and practice.You will have opportunities to explore and discuss current educational developments in relation to the needs of children, young people and adults with ASC, which will help you to develop your existing professional practice.

We will encourage you to develop knowledge and skills which will enable you to reflect critically on current practice. You will also make informed assessments of the implications of research both nationally and internationally on professional practice.

Entry Requirements

This course is open to both graduates and non-graduates who can demonstrate professional experience, although applicants will normally be graduates. Non-graduates will be invited for interview.

Applicants will normally be working in, or aspiring to, a role in an SEN context or, wishing to acquire specialist knowledge and skills.

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