
MA (by Dissertation) Art History and Theory

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA (by Dissertation) 1 year full-time, 3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

For our MAD in Art History and Theory, we offer supervision across a range of fields and have a long tradition of postgraduate training in all the major areas of European art and architecture from 1300 to the present, and in the art and architecture of Latin America and the United States. Essex Art History features a dynamic group of art historians investigating the production and reception of images and built environments, across cultures and media from the early modern period to the present. While we adopt a diverse range of approaches in our writing and teaching, our work demonstrates a commitment to three key ideas:

Please note: part-time research study is also available, and we also offer a PhD and an MPhil in this subject.

Entry Requirements

We will consider all applicants with 2:2 or above, or equivalent international qualifications. For some courses, there may be additional requirements which can be found on our website.

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Student Destinations

Many of our graduates are now working in academic institutions, in national or regional museums or galleries, or in other arts-related professions, both throughout the UK and abroad. Several graduates are now Professors in leading art history departments such as CUNY, while others have worked as curators at high-profile museums such as the Tate Modern.

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